Quacking ducks

Premium Feather Member
5 Years
May 31, 2019
Hi, I have 2 21 week old chickens that I’m not sure if they are hens or roosters. The light brown one I think is a hen. she’s been sitting in a nesting box a lot latelyThe dark brown I’m wondering if it is a slow growing rooster. It has some hackle feathers on its neck, in the last week or two it’s tail feathers have started getting longer especially two or three of the feathers, he’s very very skittish the last week or two as well. When I go to pick him up, he jumped straight up in the air and flies above my head to get away from me. Any ideas?
I would think pullet on both, but what breed? Can we get some closer pictures?
I don’t know what breeds, I got some hatching eggs from a local farm that had a lot of different breeds. They will be mixed breeds. I will get better pictures when I go out to feed the birds in a little while
They are both pullets. The dark, brown one looks like a Easter Egger and the other one Golden Comet or something else along those lines.
I love the dark colored one - she is beautiful!! :love
Thanks, the dark color EE is beautiful but her temperament is not very good and is very hard to catch. Here are all five of my 21 week old hopefully Pullets

Their names
Bach, Toasty oats
Moose, Chicken Alfredo, Thunder

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