What is your favorite. breed of Chickens and Why

I love my Leghorns.
They’re my best layers.

I’ve learned that clipping a wing on each bird resolves the flighty issue.
Oh, we didn't have a problem with them escaping, our birds have an enormous run and also free range part of the day. By "flighty" I meant more of an attitude. Whereas my EE go, "Oh hi, there's Mom, let's see what goodies she's brought today," the Leghorns would go, "EEEEK! A HUMAN! FLEEE FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!" And practically kill themselves flapping into the nearest walls in a blind panic. Even though they were raised with the EE from Day One and treated just the same. Never changed up to age three when they finally became soup.
I Do.Her name is Willow
I have 2 her sister is Honey.They lay large cream eggs .
This is their man 😅

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