What killed my Black Jersey Giant Rooster?


6 Years
Oct 14, 2016
Tampa, Florida
What killed my rooster? Tons of feathers in the run, some around the yard but he was found 20-30 feet up the hill out the door if the run. We aren't sure when it happened because we were out of town and my mother-in-law was taking care of them. My husband found him today when he went home but it was all still fresh. His head is still attached but chewed up terribly all the way down to to the hackle feathers, found lying on his right side and his left breast was almost cleanly removed, right breast not touched. While examining him I found either talon, claw, or bite marks in both of his thigh muscles with ripped skin but they hadn't been eaten however up between the wings it looked like he had been gnawed at. Wings and legs were all intack but hardly any longer tail feathers were left. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to attach any pictures so I won't unless someone says it's not ok. We live in Florida on 3 acres and had 5 roosters (now 4).
I'm so sorry for your loss😞. It doesn't look like a pounce of feathers but rather a struggle. I think racoon.
I thought so too. Such a shame we have 4 can do cameras &. Trail camera and nothing definitive was seen. One place we didn't have it aimed was the run because we had to move that camera. I thought that was just his back and head was ripped off but it's still attached just chewed up horribly and mangled. IMG_20221118_192507.jpg IMG_20221118_192519.jpg

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