What lockdown?


Apr 15, 2024
I messed up. It’s my first time incubating eggs, I made a homemade incubator lined with foil and heated with a drop light. It’s worked out pretty great! But I spaced on lockdown due to being distracted and having some life changes. It’s day 22 and I rotated them through 18-21. 4-6 times per day. Last candling was on day 19 I believe and all was well! But now I’m on day 22 and haven’t seen or heard any motion or peeps. How do I know they’ve pipped if I’m not suppose to disturb the egg??? No cracks in any shells yet or anything either. Just looking for some advice:( thank you in advance. Pictures of dad and moms below!
Check for movement with candling and look closely for any pips. Place them in and try your hardest to not move or touch them. (I know it's hard.) It could be fine, especially if your temps were a little low and they developed slower than normal.

Good luck!
I messed up. It’s my first time incubating eggs, I made a homemade incubator lined with foil and heated with a drop light. It’s worked out pretty great! But I spaced on lockdown due to being distracted and having some life changes. It’s day 22 and I rotated them through 18-21. 4-6 times per day. Last candling was on day 19 I believe and all was well! But now I’m on day 22 and haven’t seen or heard any motion or peeps. How do I know they’ve pipped if I’m not suppose to disturb the egg??? No cracks in any shells yet or anything either. Just looking for some advice:( thank you in advance. Pictures of dad and moms below! View attachment 3802096View attachment 3802097View attachment 3802098
Welcome to BYC! I agree, candle them and check for movement. Make sure you up the humidity to around 70% for hatching as soon as you see a pip.
You'll know they've pipped once you hear chirping. Since hatch day was supposed to be yesterday, I would candle the eggs and see if there is movement.
There was movement in #2! I left #4 alone and number one I’m pretty sure wasn’t moving at all :/ but 2 definitely was! Locking them down now and going to be listening very closely the next 24hrs
I messed up. It’s my first time incubating eggs, I made a homemade incubator lined with foil and heated with a drop light. It’s worked out pretty great! But I spaced on lockdown due to being distracted and having some life changes. It’s day 22 and I rotated them through 18-21. 4-6 times per day. Last candling was on day 19 I believe and all was well! But now I’m on day 22 and haven’t seen or heard any motion or peeps. How do I know they’ve pipped if I’m not suppose to disturb the egg??? No cracks in any shells yet or anything either. Just looking for some advice:( thank you in advance. Pictures of dad and moms below! View attachment 3802096View attachment 3802097View attachment 3802098
There was movement in #2! I left #4 alone and number one I’m pretty sure wasn’t moving at all :/ but 2 definitely was! Locking them down now and going to be listening very closely the next 24hrs
Just an update for anyone who has commented! I appreciate all the kind feedback. I’ve definitely learned a lot through this process. Both chicks died. Number one died a week and a half ago. Which I kinda already knew but it’s hard not to hold onto hope. Number 2 almost made it but just couldn’t figure it out. The egg #2 was in was pretty small too so I think that could’ve had something to do with it? Anyways, #4 is the only one left and set to hatch Tuesday. I will be locking down PROPERLY this time and I’m hoping the chick can make it! Egg is a normal size too which makes me eggcited lol. If this doesn’t work out I am going to be getting some baby chicks to raise to add to our flock. We eat at minimum 10 eggs a day so we definitely need more than two hens haha. Thanks for making me feel welcome to the group! I hope to be here ten years from now too, as a lot of you seem to be!!! Very encouraged to have found this wonderful page. :)

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