What predator could be killing chickens at sunrise? Predator identification please ***Graphic Photos***


Nov 17, 2019
Miami, FL
This is the second morning in a row I wake up to find an eaten Silkie carcus in my coop. Something is waiting for the automatic coop door to open at sunrise and going for the girls. The head and breast meat was gone on the first one. The second one was picked clean internally, all the breast and abdomen gone. I’m going to set up a trail cam and deactivate the automatic door, it’s solar powered. I’ve had chickens 5 years now and never had anything like this happen. What predator could be doing this?


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Is your outside run fenced?
I would disable the auto door and go back to manual. This way they are safe until you are in the area.
I would also set up a trail cam today! Point it at the auto door of the coop an look at the photos tomorrow. You will know for sure then what you are dealing with.
Back when I had a "not so great coop" and would have things getting in, we used live traps, baby monitors and cameras. Once you know what it is you can plan.
Sorry for your loss and good luck!
This is the second morning in a row I wake up to find an eaten Silkie carcus in my coop. Something is waiting for the automatic coop door to open at sunrise and going for the girls. The head and breast meat was gone on the first one. The second one was picked clean internally, all the breast and abdomen gone. I’m going to set up a trail cam and deactivate the automatic door, it’s solar powered. I’ve had chickens 5 years now and never had anything like this happen. What predator could be doing this?View attachment 3761498
eating the head and organs? 9/10 it's probably a raccoon.
Raccoons start at the head and work their way down. Oppossums eat out the gut. A family of weasels will eat the body and leave the head and neck, unless it's a very small animal. If you don't have a camera laying around, do you have an animal trap, like Have A Heart? It's possible that your county animal shelter may have traps and let you borrow them. If not, ask the neighbors.

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