What should I do about inflamed ear?


Mar 5, 2023
Hi all,

Just noticed this on my smallest Rhode Island Red (smallest of the flock, but I haven't noticed her getting bullied specifically). Do I need to do anything with this or should I let it heal up on its own? She's acting normally as far as I can tell, occasionally shaking her head but she's hanging out with the flock and doesn't seem lethargic.

I can't get an image attached to this post, the pic is here.

I went back out to get more pics, and it looks like one of the other Reds is also starting to get some swelling (see the second photo). The first pic looks like a wound to me, but this is my first flock. There was also an egg just lying on the coop floor, not in one of their usual laying spots, that had some blood on the shell. Some of the girls are just starting to lay, they’re about 20 weeks, but combined with the ears, that worries me. I haven’t seen blood on the eggs before.


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It could be a pecking injury, but it does look pretty swollen. There may be pus in there. I'd be inclined to remove the scab (soften it first) and clean out underneath, remove any pus. Fill the hole with plain triple antibiotic ointment.
For the blood on the egg, it happens sometimes when an egg is passing that a small blood vessel can break. As long as the blood is a small amount it's usually not a worry. I would check everyone's vents however, make sure that no one has prolapsed, and that there is not any pecking of vents going on, no wounds or sores.
Thanks so much for the (super speedy) response! I’ll see if I can chase her down…she doesn’t like being handled :fl
For those birds its often easier to get them off the roost after dark, or go out early before first light and do the same.

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