What to Expect


6 Years
Mar 30, 2018
Hello! So on May 2nd I received 6 layers (2 Sexlink, 2 Buff Orpington, and 2 Silver Laced Wyandottes). After coming back to town Labor Day weekend I noticed that someone had started laying. I was getting about 2 eggs a day for a couple weeks. Then for about 4/5 days no eggs. And now I am only getting one egg a day. I feel that with 6 hens I should be getting more than one egg a day..... any advice???

Also I can't seem to get them to use the nest boxes that we bought them. Is it due to the fact that they are young hens and just figuring it out? I have checked height and box sizes to make sure nothing is wrong and they will hang out in there but not lay. I take away their current nesting spots and they just lay next to it. I have tried putting their beddin in the boxes along with molted feathers out of their self made nest spots with fake eggs with no luck. Any suggestions????
They need some time to get used to their new surroundings.

Just put some fake eggs into the nest boxes to show them where to lay.

Maybe post some pictures of your nest box setup to give us an idea of what might need a little tweak.
They need some time to get used to their new surroundings.

Just put some fake eggs into the nest boxes to show them where to lay.

Maybe post some pictures of your nest box setup to give us an idea of what might need a little tweak.
Okay I will take some this evening. The only thing I notice that is different than others is that I don't use curtains... I am nervous to do so as I put some on the coop door to help with elements and they wouldn't go in or out of the coop anymore. I was concerned that the same issue would happen on the boxes.
All my chickens slow down egg production this time of year, and stop completely by November. It’s the length of day that regulates this. Your sexlink hens might lay in the winter. Where do you live that you tried out curtains. You mean instead of a door?
I don’t understand using curtains. I don’t really think most people put curtains in their chicken coops. You certainly don’t need them on nest boxes. Fake eggs, tho, will help. We’ll take a look at your nest boxes after you post pics…..
Expanding on some of the above responses...

How old are these birds? Makes a massive difference as if they're POL pullets then they're coming into lay and the shortening day length may cause them to delay onset of laying, as far as until days start lengthening again.

If they are hens 18 months+ then they're coming into molt, at which point you may not get any eggs until again, days start lengthening.

Seeing photos of your nest boxes and coop set up will help. I do not use curtains. Most of my birds figure out where to lay with fake eggs. I've had a few that had to be shown the nest boxes but that would only be necessary if you know for a fact that they're not checking out the nests at all, but you said they hang out in them so they're aware they're there.
Expanding on some of the above responses...

How old are these birds? Makes a massive difference as if they're POL pullets then they're coming into lay and the shortening day length may cause them to delay onset of laying, as far as until days start lengthening again.

If they are hens 18 months+ then they're coming into molt, at which point you may not get any eggs until again, days start lengthening.

Seeing photos of your nest boxes and coop set up will help. I do not use curtains. Most of my birds figure out where to lay with fake eggs. I've had a few that had to be shown the nest boxes but that would only be necessary if you know for a fact that they're not checking out the nests at all, but you said they hang out in them so they're aware they're there.
Yes, two of the 6 sleep in them while the others roost on a bar. They were hatched on 5/2/2023, so I would guess that everyone will get going next spring? I will take photos, lol I seem to forget while trying to keep my toddler from breaking the two eggs we get because he wants to "help!"
All my chickens slow down egg production this time of year, and stop completely by November. It’s the length of day that regulates this. Your sexlink hens might lay in the winter. Where do you live that you tried out curtains. You mean instead of a door?
I don’t understand using curtains. I don’t really think most people put curtains in their chicken coops. You certainly don’t need them on nest boxes. Fake eggs, tho, will help. We’ll take a look at your nest boxes after you post pics…..
I live in Sublette County. It is South West Wyoming, it gets really cold here so thought curtains on the coop doorway would help with cold wind. I don't think I will put them on the boxes as they are just laying on the coop floor.... I don't think it's a privacy issue.

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