When will my girls start laying?

Thanks TooCheep

She laid in the nest box so I don't think it's to do with location. I'm watching closely for the next one - hopefully it won't be broken but if it is I can try to get to the bottom of it!
Update: I just found a second egg...also broken. This time it was not in the nest box and I can't tell if it fell off a ledge or was pecked. The shell does seem a little thinner than the commercial shells.


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OK. That appears to be a thin shell which is a problem. When you press the shell, it likely gives much easier than a healthy egg shell that you've seen before. It may correct on it's own, but two is a problem. I had the same thing with one of my new pullets this last year. There are three possible causes:
  • New layer's system getting itself in order: Possible with one, doubtful with two, definitely bad at three.
  • Bad genetics- Possible. That's what I've been dealing with. I have to give supplemental vitamins to correct the problem.
  • Feed- Not enough calcium.
What are you feeding them? A commercial feed? What percentage calcium? What misc foods do they get- free range browsing, treats, etc? Do you offer additional calcium (oyster shell, crushed egg shell, etc.) on the side?
I have five 29-week old Black Australorp hens and still no sign of an egg from any of them! They have been on layers pellets since 23 weeks and appear happy and healthy. I am starting to wonder if the breeder wasn't honest about heir date of birth, but I don't know how to age them. Here is a picture of them 3 days ago. What can I do to kickstart things?

(PS I live in Johannesburg South Africa)
Which brand of layer feed are you giving them? There was an "organic" layer feed from Tractor Supply called "Producers Pride, and "Dumor" in the USA, EU, and Canada last year that made all backyard chickens stop laying eggs. I think the mother company of the brands is Purina. When people changed brands, their chickens starting laying eggs within a week.
Which brand of layer feed are you giving them? There was an "organic" layer feed from Tractor Supply called "Producers Pride, and "Dumor" in the USA, EU, and Canada last year that made all backyard chickens stop laying eggs. I think the mother company of the brands is Purina. When people changed brands, their chickens starting laying eggs within a week.
This was debunked...still being spread around tho.
Super! I'm glad for you and your girl. If she has problems with thin or even no-shell eggs in the future, there are ways to handle it. Just check back in with BYC and we'll help you through it. Good luck and congrats!

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