Why does it have to be a fox of all things..


Aug 22, 2022
I love animals don't get me wrong but theres two animals that I REALLY LOVE! Foxes and wolves. While we have been seeing a fox crossing the property I had hoped there was enough smaller game to keep it fed but it unfortunately it had a Brahma dinner a few days ago and it has returned today nearly the same time. We've kept the flock in the run since but it was just stalking them through the fence. And I guess it scared one of the wyandottes enough to fly over the fence because she was found near our front porch. Aside from secured fencing or a LGD is there any suggestions for detering foxes? We just went out and put cheap netting over the whole run so no more chickens get scared enough to fly out. My mom doesn't want a dog and were working on saving enough for electric fencing but is there any other ways to deter the fox? Maybe scents or particular noises?
I'd put a no dig apron and clip their wings for now. There's nothing to repel them
Thats why we put the netting ontop to stop them from flying over. But we will probably have to look into securing under the ground if the fox doesn't figure out a different food source. It crossed once following some turkeys. Were not to worried about at night since we lock them in the coop but its the second time this week its come around during daylight hours.
Your not going to like my suggestion, so I'll leave it at that.
Is the answer shooting the fox?
Yeah sadly... I would have prefer it to be a coyote or a racoon though. I've loved foxes since I was a kid.. We have alot of coyotes around here.

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