Will ducks be ok with water in coop in -20°C?


May 8, 2023

Wondering what to do with the temp dropping to - 20°C over the next couple days. I know ducks are very cold weather hardy but I have read that if you keep water in the coop it can increase chances of frostbite.
The reason we have the water in the coop is due to a fox attack a few days ago and needing to do some work on the run but we all have a really bad flu and are barely able to get out of bed.
Will they be ok in there or should i bring them into my basement? Obviously having 10 grown ducks in my basement is not ideal but if it's the only option I will do it.
what a sad situation i’m sorry for your fox attack and flu!
the water would freeze unless it’s a heated bucket and if it is heated it will make too much humidity and cause frostbite in my opinion get them in your basement … that’s what i do anyway. let’s see what @Miss Lydia and @New duck mommy 2021 have to say
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@Amiga actually had her coop inside her basement and I believe she had around 10 Runner at one time. In other words her basement was her coop then the run out off the basement. Pretty neat if you can do it.
My ducks endured similar temperatures last year, and will again in the next few days. I have covered the mesh portion of their coop with plastic although the top few inches are towels to allow ventilation. I leave food and water in a heated dog water bowl. On the really cold nights (way below freezing) I fill gallon milk jugs with hot water and put them in the coop. As the water freezes it gives off heat. I purchased a cheap remote thermometer so I can monitor the temperatures. In the past, I have been surprised how warm it stays in the coop in spite of the outside temperatures. I say all this so hopefully you know yours should be fine!

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