Worrying about Free Ranging Chickens


Jun 6, 2022
I’ve been free ranging my chickens a few days a week for i’d guess 8 months. I’m worried constantly that they’ll run off or that I need to keep a constant eye on them since we’re on 3 acres and surrounded by woods. Will they be okay without watching them for hours? They never go too far into woods and we haven’t had predator problems for months.
Sorry but expect to get a wide variety of answers and opinions with this question. My answer is yes they are fine based on my experience and risk rate (I've lost 1 in 100 to predation, not even while free-ranging, it was IN my run.) But you're going to get a ton of NO answers here too. It just is what it is like already stated, a risk you are either willing or unwilling to take. Just consider what your own risk factor is based on your area and possibly "ease into it." Meaning start out for small amounts of time, then increase. I started letting mine out years and years ago around 3pm, knowing they'd go in to roost. Then I did see a racoon one evening coming down and tree and decided that I'd better be out there with them at the end of the day. Then around a year later, I knew we didn't have any racoons around (via watching night cam and my puppies got older, no coons dare come around them.) So fast forward to now I let them out in the morning and they come back to roost in the evening and I lose none. It very depends on your own sitch. Good luck!!
I’ve been free ranging my chickens a few days a week for i’d guess 8 months. I’m worried constantly that they’ll run off or that I need to keep a constant eye on them since we’re on 3 acres and surrounded by woods. Will they be okay without watching them for hours? They never go too far into woods and we haven’t had predator problems for months.
I’ve been free ranging my chickens a few days a week for i’d guess 8 months. I’m worried constantly that they’ll run off or that I need to keep a constant eye on them since we’re on 3 acres and surrounded by woods. Will they be okay without watching them for hours? They never go too far into woods and we haven’t had predator problems for months.
I agree with what @lmadeline146 said. Free ranging does come with risks, but based on your own experience and risk factors, you can decide whether or not to let your chickens free range without constant supervision. It's always a good idea to start small and gradually work your way up to longer periods of unsupervised free ranging, especially if you're worried about them running off or potential predators. Ultimately, you know your chickens and your property best, so it's up to you to make the decision that feels right for you and the safety of your chickens.

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