Young chicken with diarrhea


In the Brooder
Jan 28, 2024

I have a young chicken (below 1 year old) that has runny poop for the last two days and spends time in the coop sitting over the eggs.

In addition, a few days ago I found an egg with soft shell in the garden.

My chickens are roaming free in my garden 24/7.

This chicken has laid enormous eggs over the last months.

What can it be?


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Can you get a fecal float from your vet, if you bring in some fresh droppings today? Is she becoming broody? What does she do if you try to remove eggs from under her, or if you take her outside of the coop? Do you think that she laid the shell-less egg? She could be having a reproductive disorder, but let us know if she runs right back to the nest and acts broody.
I have a young chicken (below 1 year old) that has runny poop for the last two days and spends time in the coop sitting over the eggs.
That doesn't look runny to me. Broody poops are often large and smelly.

She does look like she might be broody, also your description matches.. she's got the whole pancake vibe going and looks healthy/spry in her eyes.

Do you want her to raise chicks for you? If not, then once confirmed as the condition, action may be needed to break the broody hormones.

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