Recent content by 2 Acres

  1. 2

    New here, but not new to chickens

    Update... I am now seeing chicken poop that looks like chocolate pudding. Is that a good or bad sign?
  2. 2

    Forum Alert!!! Bird flu is spreading
  3. 2

    Chicks are passing left and right, urgent, help!

    Well... If the Internet is truthful...
  4. 2

    Chicks are passing left and right, urgent, help!

    I plan on contacting my vet again after a few days. No rush yet.
  5. 2

    Chicks are passing left and right, urgent, help!

    So yes... my hens are on an antibiotic also.
  6. 2

    Chicks are passing left and right, urgent, help!

    So I guess my next question is... are any eggs laid... safe to eat while administering antibiotics? Or do their bodies filter that out?
  7. 2

    New here, but not new to chickens

    For my sick ones the dose is .5ml amoxicillin and corid for the water, per the label.
  8. 2

    How do I get my chickens to go in the coop before nightfall?

    All chickens are part "Hom-ing" pigeon.:D Keep in mind their eyes don't see light like we do. They know when to go into the coop. Of course I cheat with lights on timers, inside and outside the coop.
  9. 2

    Chicks are passing left and right, urgent, help!

    I just dealt with this... I just dealt with this today.
  10. 2

    New here, but not new to chickens

    Your birds symptoms sound the same as mine.
  11. 2

    New here, but not new to chickens

    If you have a chicken vet nearby, take a stool sample to the vet. It only takes 20 minutes for the results.
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