Recent content by 50-45-1

  1. 50-45-1

    1yr old Isa Brown

    It certainly looks like an egg laying chicken to me Are you sure she is not laying somewhere outside in the free range area? How do you differentiate your hens eggs to who laid what?
  2. 50-45-1


    It would be helpful to know what breeds you have and your destination. For the most part, chickens can and do exist in all types of weather conditions. Type of coop and special concerns will have to be taken into consideration. Some might agree that frizzle and sulky breeds do not have cold...
  3. 50-45-1

    New Coop Progress

    The Hardware cloth and plexiglass plan sounds good! The elivated nest box may be a problem as chickens naturally seek the highest place to roost for the night, because its safer. If your nest box is high up, they may choose to sleep there and that will results in poop on the place where eggs are...
  4. 50-45-1

    New Coop Progress

    You might find some really good interior and exterior design ideas if you spend some time browsing through the Coop Pages of this website. Some of the stuff folks have figured out is ingenious.
  5. 50-45-1

    New Coop Progress

    I would put ladder roosts on one end, then use the other end for nest boxes and feed. Make sure the roosts are higher than the nests. My husband built my nest boxes with sloping lids to discourage roosting ( and pooping) on top of them. Or you could build external bext boxes. Those are handy to...
  6. 50-45-1

    Milkweed question

    A nice garden plant that will cut down on bugs and pests around your garden is Wormwood. It's a nice plant to look at and it smells like balm or eucalyptus to me. It will spread tho. I now have it in my orchard and lawn.
  7. 50-45-1

    Milkweed question

    I'm not sure what it is but its deffinatly not milkweed. I brought a mint plant from the greenhouse years ago and in the pot must have been something else because stinging nettle grew in the sme place. I am still battling sting nettle 25 years later!
  8. 50-45-1

    New Coop Progress

    I would put the people door of your coop, up front next to the entrance to the enclosure. The chicken door would be to the back side of the building. Then you dont have to walk through the enclosure to get to the coop to gather eggs and feed every day. That beautiful grass will soon be gone...
  9. 50-45-1

    New Coop Progress

    Good start! What are the dimensions of the dear blind?
  10. 50-45-1

    Best vacuum to suck up feathers from hardware cloth?

    Well, that depends on what you are going to be doing with it. I would wonder about size. My shop vac is a smaller one because I wanted something easy for me to move around with in small spaces, like cleaning out the car. It came with lots of attachments for different types of jobs too, which I...
  11. 50-45-1

    Best vacuum to suck up feathers from hardware cloth?

    A shop vac. My model takes 2 type of bags. A normal use bag. And another for fine dust. The fine dust bags cost more, but this is the type you would need for feathers and chicken dust and dander. When you go shopping check out the details and bag options of the model you are looking at.
  12. 50-45-1

    Aggressive Roo, favors hen

    Any rooster who does damage like that to my hens, ends up in the soup pot. Roosters are a dime a dozen. Most folks who have nice roosters try everything possible to find homes for them. Most times with no luck. No reason to keep a stupid misbehaving bully. My hens love my big guy. He has...
  13. 50-45-1

    Is this normal rooster behavior

    That sounds like normal to me. I would offer separate feeding statuons as you are doing, but put some sort of sight block between them so everyone can enjoy meal time. By the way I think free choice feeding is best. Always avaliable. My feeder is never empty.
  14. 50-45-1

    New chicken mom here

    Welcome! Nice mix of birds! Post some photos of your flock as they grow and folks here will be happy to help you sex them Plus, we just like pictures. 😁
  15. 50-45-1

    Is shipping harder on large eggs,?

    I dont think so.. The shell hardness and packing skill would determine this I once recieved perfectly good eggs shipped well padded in a box with eggs in egg cartons. The folks who ship and sell eggs in your grocery store have designed these cartons to protect their product. Another dozen I...
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