Recent content by 5Australorpasaures

  1. 5Australorpasaures

    The Honey Factory

    I know what you're saying, one cool puff across the top is enough during the flow, and really haven't needed much more during the derth.
  2. 5Australorpasaures

    The Honey Factory

    It helps, still have syrup and half pollen patties on NUC picked up May 4 and the 5 foundations are drawn and filled with all stages of brood and stores added another deep today and still feeding syrup. Not going to bother them for any honey this Fall. Might be sugar syrup mixed in with it any...
  3. 5Australorpasaures

    How many chickens have you had over the years

    Had a batch of 75 back in the late 80s or somewhere in that time.
  4. 5Australorpasaures

    The Honey Factory

    Too hot to get dressed. Lifted a frame of eggs, larva and capped brood into a new added deep on the NUC. Meant to do this last week but got pressed with other things. 100% drawn bottom deep, almost got caught, no capped or drawn queen cells.
  5. 5Australorpasaures

    The Honey Factory

    Working from the back I never really gave it a thought, never really had any aggression from any of the strain I have now. Years ago had a super strong and overly aggressive hive, great producer, had to work fully suited. I went in expecting to get whacked and they never disappointed me! :lau
  6. 5Australorpasaures

    Question of the Day - Friday, May 31st, 2024

    I do like classical music and play it often on a 6 pack CD, but don't really care who composed it. They all have their merit.
  7. 5Australorpasaures

    The Honey Factory

    Here's a question for all you keepers of bees. Do you smoke your hive entrance before going in? Myself I don't. I lift the top, blow smoke under the cover, give 'em a few seconds to go down then go to work. My mentor back in the '80s said, "why smoke the entrance driving the bees up when you are...
  8. 5Australorpasaures

    The Honey Factory

  9. 5Australorpasaures

    The Honey Factory

    I'll try another
  10. 5Australorpasaures

    Question of the Day - Wednesday, May 29th, 2024

    DRATS !, I was hoping. :lau
  11. 5Australorpasaures

    Open Contest Official BYC Caption Contest 05-31-24 Pic by NorthwoodsChick

    Sandy!, Springsteen's right, you can't get off these Tilt-a-whirls!!
  12. 5Australorpasaures

    Question of the Day - Wednesday, May 29th, 2024

    Gotta be odd Talking OCD, I like odd because they strike me as bold and definitive. Evens read to me as rainbows and Unicorns. Now I ask you, am I ready for the Looney Bin or what!? :thumbsup
  13. 5Australorpasaures

    The Honey Factory

    Here's a pic o our Pine Barrens Tree Frog in NJ
  14. 5Australorpasaures

    The Honey Factory

    Frog is safe, he's in what we call a bed of frog snot! The bees are stuck! :lau
  15. 5Australorpasaures

    Pond Predators & Snapping Turtles

    From years trapping Snappers here in New Jersey I have caught them in slow moving irrigation ditches no more than 6' wide x 2-3' deep, 10 to 30 lbs. Friends have a small pond maybe 20x60 feet and I pulled 7 in one fyke set, 15 to 35 lbs. Had to use a winch to drag the fyke on shore. One thing...
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