Recent content by Annabellarose

  1. Annabellarose

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    I suppose you're thinking of doing a mass "house cleaning" and I understand that; I got a PM from an admin asking me to "check in". I'm still here, I just mostly/only "lurk" and you don't have to log in to look.
  2. Annabellarose

    Official BYC Poll: How Often Do You Clean Your Coop?

    I use a cheap pair of metal kitchen tongs that I just leave hanging inside my coop to pick up the poops which I toss into a small pail that I use to carry them to my compost pile EVERY morning after the chickens come down out of the coop and into the run. It takes me less than 5 minutes and one...
  3. Annabellarose

    Coturnix quail, Nurture Right 360, dry hatch

    How do you do this for the NR 360? It mentions calibration in its instructions, but no instructions for the actual calibration are given.
  4. Annabellarose

    Coturnix quail, Nurture Right 360, dry hatch

    What do you coturnix quail NR 360 "dry hatchers" do with the vent on the front; shut it, leave it half open, or leave it completely open? What do you do with the red water plug (B); leave it on until lockdown or remove it? Do you change the temperature or do you leave it at the preset 99.5?
  5. Annabellarose

    Calling All Nurture Right 360 incubator experts!!!

    What do you NR 360 "dry hatchers" do with the vent on the front; completely shut, half open, or completely open? What do you do with the red water plug (B); leave it or remove it? Do you change the temperature or do you leave it at the preset 99.5?
  6. Annabellarose

    Official BYC Poll: What Kind of Roost(s) Do You Have Installed?

    My coop has a 2x2 roosting bar and a 2x4 (wide side up) roosting bar. Guess which bar they prefer? The 2x2! Go figure. :rolleyes:
  7. Annabellarose

    Official BYC Poll: Do You Clip Your Chickens' Wings?

    I never have, but, right now, I just have the 1 covered run, but I am seriously thinking about building a much larger uncovered run of 6 foot high fencing at our farm across town and I might trim wings if I find have repeat fence hoppers.
  8. Annabellarose

    Official BYC Poll: Where Do You Buy Your Feed From & Why?

    I envy everyone's choices! I live in a very rural area and there is a fair bit of livestock and some farming going on in the area, but farm and feed stores are severely lacking. We do have a TSC, but it has always been a horrible, horrible store (lack of selection and availability, slow to...
  9. Annabellarose

    Official BYC Poll: Which aspect of keeping chickens do you enjoy the most?

    I chose Companionship, The fresh eating eggs, and Other for me is giving away eggs to family and friends.
  10. Annabellarose

    Official BYC Poll: What Breed Characteristics are Most Important to You?

    I voted: temperament; Mine are pets, first and foremost (that said, I just butchered a cannibalistic hen and, going forward, I'll butcher any roosters as I currently have 22 eggs in the incubator), so if you're not friendly (or at least respectful) to me or to your fellow flockmates, Imma' eat...
  11. Annabellarose

    Official BYC Poll: How Often Do You Clean Your Coop?

    My coop is 3'x4' (not including 3 nest boxes; my birds just use it for night roosting and egg laying as they have a large, covered outside run) and (at the moment) I just have 3 Dominiques (but I have had up to 7 hens in my current setup); I use the TSC pelletized (pine) bedding and I use a...
  12. Annabellarose

    Ended 2020 Chicken Gift-Ideas From Amazon & TSC - $25 Giveaway!

    I have chickens, but I just bought a small starter flock of coturnix quail. I am reading that the quail are not the best at hatching their eggs and I would like to get myself an incubator that would work for both chicken and quail eggs...
  13. Annabellarose

    Can I see your housing setups for peacocks?

    What about their indoor area?
  14. Annabellarose

    Kentucky people

    Maybe you're right, but I do NOT like my Australorps COMPARED to my Dominiques (that's my logic I guess). Speckled Sussex, yeah, maybe, but anything with leg feathers is going to be a HARD pass for me.
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