Recent content by bmaw

  1. bmaw

    Applying beneficial nemetodes to lawn and garden areas for organic pest control

    Would they do anything to read the soil of roundworm nematodes/ova?
  2. bmaw

    How to give a chicken liquid medicine

    I have used this method lots, however it’s happened that some got in the airway. The bird made sneezing noised and breathed beak slightly open for a few seconds then went about her business. Does that mean the meds that went down the wrong pipe were expelled or went into her lungs?
  3. bmaw

    My chicken's skin in turning yellow -- help

    Intersting…I have a 1.5 yo who’s been laying fairy eggs, double soft shell eggs, small deformed eggs, yolkless eggs…she was mopey, not eating much, etc. She laid her last deformed egg a week ago, same day I started Bactrim. Dayes later she was back to her old happy self excpet her eye rings...
  4. bmaw

    Calcium and egg bound - how fast does it work?

    Agree. I probably need to dose her with the CalCitD pill a couple times a week. Thank you.
  5. bmaw

    Calcium and egg bound - how fast does it work?

    It contained egg white, or clear liquid, maybe thinner than egg white. The shell is pale blue (she lays blue eggs) but is not hard, and not completely soft. Shes been laying normal shaped fairy eggs and in Jan started with these odd shaped ones, along with a couple like this, but soft shell and...
  6. bmaw

    Calcium and egg bound - how fast does it work?

    Actually, maybe it worked this time, I just got another one.
  7. bmaw

    Calcium and egg bound - how fast does it work?

    I guess I am wondering what is short term? Should I stop after three days, one week? If nothing has happened. She is not walking with her tail down or anything like that. Just laying these odd things every now and then that get her down for a couple of days. Her appetite is not what it used to...
  8. bmaw

    Calcium and egg bound - how fast does it work?

    I didnt know how much could be too much wo phosphorus balance. Shes only 3.5lbs. 😔
  9. bmaw

    Calcium and egg bound - how fast does it work?

    I suspected my hen was egg bound or maybe had remnants of an egg/shell stuck (she's been laying fairy eggs, soft shell deformed fairy eggs, double soft shell eggs and recently just yolk/white) I didn't feel anything inside her vent about a fingertip in. Still I gave her one of these and nothing...
  10. bmaw

    Possible blockage: not eating, pooping urates

    Edit: I think she may have a soft shell still inside of her. She passed what looks to be 1/2 of the double egg on 2/16 (both photos below) Usually she perks up afterwards, but she kept behaving like she still needed to lay. How can I try to remove it?
  11. bmaw

    Only urate poop

    Edit: I think she may have a soft shell still inside of her. She passed what looks to be 1/2 of the double egg on 2/16 (both photos below) Usually she perks up afterwards, but she kept behaving like she still needed to lay. How can I try to remove it?
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