Recent content by CatInTheHenHouse

  1. C

    At what age do baby chicks start to DUST BATH?

    Tangent, but why sulfur?
  2. C

    Your 2024 Garden

    First crop of peas are starting to bloom, and one planter of potatoes is getting the leaves munched badly. 😖 I put some DE down before the weekend but there was enough rain I’m not sure it helped. 🤔 I might put some more down tonight.
  3. C

    Am I crazy for wanting to sell my whole flock

    Couldn’t rollout nestboxes help with that?
  4. C

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I always save seeds where possible. I usually end up with extras (with extras being defined as ‘more than I could personally use in a year or two’) for things like lettuce, but there’s a seed library near me so I take them there. (And usually grab seeds for different things in the process. 😁)
  5. C

    First time I let a hen...

    Happy Birthday and congratulations on the baby chicks! ❤️
  6. C


    I haven’t tried that; I usually buy the powder mix and then throw in some basil and garlic salt while I’m mixing it up. Maybe some oregano too…
  7. C

    Houseplant, succulent and bonsai thread!

    Thank you! That’s going to take some adjusting on my part.
  8. C

    Houseplant, succulent and bonsai thread!

    Okay thank you, I moved it to a table next to the window for now. How often do I need to water them?
  9. C

    Houseplant, succulent and bonsai thread!

    Is that angle better?
  10. C

    Houseplant, succulent and bonsai thread!

    Let me know if it isn’t showing up.
  11. C

    Houseplant, succulent and bonsai thread!

    Sorry I didn’t specify; they’re succulents. Edited previous post for clarity. And I don’t know if my house has any windows that are sufficiently full sun, I’ve had issues with that before.
  12. C

    Houseplant, succulent and bonsai thread!

    My neighbor brought me some succulents in a bowl the other day and after a swift Google I’m now very concerned I’m going to kill them. Most of my plants need more babying but it sounds like that’s the worst thing to do. 😱 I’m also not sure if I get enough sun, but it’s too early to say for...
  13. C

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I heard this about most fruits being hybrids, the grafting was to ‘clone’ a desired plant and because some rootstocks are more disease resistant.
  14. C

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Repotted herbs today, and threw in some more seeds in the open spots since some of them never sprouted. The new pot is a railing planter, so I have some of my floor and table space back!
  15. C

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Finally got my remaining pepper seedlings in today, and put some fencing around my potatoes. Something was munching on them, my best guess is deer, although there seems to be some insect damage too. I hope the Japanese Beetles aren’t back. 😔
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