cavemanrich's latest activity

  • cavemanrich
    cavemanrich reacted to FirstTimeChikens's post in the thread Bloody poop with Like Like.
    Well I may just treat with corid when symtoms arise.... I'll have to discuss with my parents. Thank you very much
  • cavemanrich
    cavemanrich reacted to FirstTimeChikens's post in the thread Bloody poop with Like Like.
    Well should I switch everyone over to medicated? It'll null the vaccine....but may save the others
  • cavemanrich
    cavemanrich replied to the thread Bloody poop.
    You can and it should be good. Here is an article you can read,,, with much info...
  • cavemanrich
    cavemanrich replied to the thread Bloody poop.
    I am not sure how long the coccidiosis vaccine is active for. That is one reason many peeps use Medicated feed for their first...
  • cavemanrich
    cavemanrich reacted to FirstTimeChikens's post in the thread Bloody poop with Like Like.
    I got my 13 chicks from Murray McMurray Hatchery, they got the vaccine for coccidiosis and Marek's
  • cavemanrich
    cavemanrich reacted to FirstTimeChikens's post in the thread Bloody poop with Like Like.
    Hello! I know I have been posting a lot, but I'm young so I'm wanting to learn some life lessons. Today, we went to a local farmers...
  • cavemanrich
    cavemanrich replied to the thread Bloody poop.
    I suggest you get Medicated Starter feed,,, and that may be the best option. What vaccination did your original chicks have been...
  • cavemanrich
    cavemanrich replied to the thread Looking to Trade or Rehome.
    Only suggestion I have for you,,,, Post your message on the Texas State thread. This way you have readers in your closer vicinity...
  • cavemanrich
    cavemanrich reacted to 1m7nd's post in the thread Looking to Trade or Rehome with Love Love.
    Hey everyone! So unfortunately growing these chickens, it turns outs of the chickens I got is a rooster and I have to unfortunately...
  • cavemanrich
    cavemanrich reacted to inmychickenmomera's post in the thread Sand in coop with Like Like.
    Hello! I am now officially switching to sand vs pine shavings in the girls coop now that they have entered their sassy teenage stages. I...
  • cavemanrich
    cavemanrich replied to the thread Sand in coop.
    That sand will be just fine. You don't have your location in your profile. Reason I am asking??? Climate does have a factor in...
  • cavemanrich
    I need to expand our run so my girls have more space during the day. At this time it just needs to be daytime predator proof (we’re in...
  • cavemanrich
    Without pictures,, its kind of hard to give detailed advice. Can you make the run larger,,, and include the wood pile inside??? Then...
  • cavemanrich
    cavemanrich reacted to Svyetii's post in the thread Flock Integration Question with Like Like.
    Hey all! So Ive successfully integrated four poulets into my flock of four hens. They are now roosting together and occupying the same...
  • cavemanrich
    cavemanrich replied to the thread Flock Integration Question.
    Just keep your flock as is. Let neighbor get a chick or 2 from feed store,,, and raise to be with the caged flock they have. They may...
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