Recent content by DoodlesDuckies

  1. DoodlesDuckies

    9 week old Rouens. All hens?

    When my daughter comes home from college she makes a point to sit with them and pick every single one of them up, even the 2 geese. The look of horror on their faces when she is home is OBVIOUS they know who she is and what she is going to do. LOL! Maybe I will try to pick them up, I tend to...
  2. DoodlesDuckies

    9 week old Rouens. All hens?

    Well, that is interesting. I have a few Rouen ducks and I thought algae was growing on their bills due to the green of their bills but now I know. Always learning on here. Also, kind of breaks my heart come next spring when they start acting naughty. Renee
  3. DoodlesDuckies

    9 week old Rouens. All hens?

    Following...I have 9 ducks (9 weeks old) and they will all quack, grunt, make farting noises, honk, cackle loudly and when I ask "who did that?" They all stare at me in silence. I have no idea who is who as far as girl or boy. It is a cruel game they play with me. Renee
  4. DoodlesDuckies

    Best cleaner for keeping duck pond clean of mud and muck?

    hello. I do not have a pond but can relate to the never ending cleaning of everything duck related. I have 3 pools set up and clean them daily. Often have thought about if there was something to help keep it kinda sorta clean. I have read about pool filters but the feathers and muck are a...
  5. DoodlesDuckies

    Sometimes it is the small things...

    Night 2 ..."Eddie Nigh Nigh" worked. A slow, swagger like walk with a strong side eye into the hut he/she went. I may be winning this...or so they are making me think. :wee Renee
  6. DoodlesDuckies

    Sometimes it is the small things...

    It's funny. I get the ducks in first, then Clark...then I make eye contact with Eddie. We both have the mouth of a sailor and it starts. Eddie KNOWS I cannot get within an arms length, will not let me hand feed him/her, peeks around the bushes at me smirking KNOWING what is about to happen...the...
  7. DoodlesDuckies

    Sometimes it is the small things...

    Hello. Brief back ground, I have 9 ducks and 2 geese all born around April 6, geese are a touch older. The ducks go in their hut nightly with ease. The geese have been another story. They outwit me EVERY step of the way. Clark, I can easily pick up or he/she will go in knowing there is food...
  8. DoodlesDuckies

    When does the OCD end and the acceptance begin? (Duck Mess)

    Thank you for responding. I appreciate the support and words of wisdom. Your routine sounds a lot like mine. Which honestly I don't mind the work to care for them, I knew what I was signing up for. My favorite thing to do is sit with them and talk with them for hours. I think this whole process...
  9. DoodlesDuckies

    When does the OCD end and the acceptance begin? (Duck Mess)

    Ok, so I am new at this duck mom thing and don't get me wrong I love them and all. But WOW...everyday I am cleaning and spraying and cleaning and draining pools (yes 3 pools) and more spraying and more spraying and more spraying. I put out 3 pools, 3 water stations and 3 food stations and they...
  10. DoodlesDuckies

    When do they "grow up"?

    Yes, Yes you should. LOL
  11. DoodlesDuckies

    When do they "grow up"?

    The big question is...are the girls cackling WITH or AT him? :lol:
  12. DoodlesDuckies

    When do they "grow up"?

    That explains the raging hormones people talk about with the ducks/geese...teenage behavior.
  13. DoodlesDuckies

    Raging mallard drake

    Perhaps I am not looking at my situation correctly. Maybe that is what Eddie is doing. Being "motherly" with the ducks. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......But everyone is around the same age, born around April 6. Interesting.
  14. DoodlesDuckies

    Raging mallard drake

    Is just chasing and herding or do they nip and bite too? My Goose Eddie will nip at the ducks if they don't move fast enough or don't do what the Eddie wants. But I don't think Eddie even knows what's going on either. I think I am going to look into goose toys or something for them to do...
  15. DoodlesDuckies

    Raging mallard drake

    Well if he isn't the cutest and most innocent looking fella I have seen. They are usually the a-holes aren't they. I am following the conversation- I have the opposite issue. I have a goose running the show at my place. Herds around 9 ducks like they are his/her b$tches. It is frustrating...
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