Recent content by Enchanted Sunrise Farms

  1. Enchanted Sunrise Farms

    Swan Care

    On several occasions my friend has offered me swans. She has a pair of black swans, and has recently offered me two of the babies. i am intrigued, but unsure of how to care for them. i guess the biggest issue is a pond. We use kiddie pools for our ducks, but i would assume swans would need an...
  2. Enchanted Sunrise Farms

    Ramp for Duck Pool?

    i haven't been back to this thread in a while. Thank you so much for the suggestions. That skamper ramp looks very promising. i will definitely look into that. Those pavers are getting heavier the older i get.
  3. Enchanted Sunrise Farms

    Adding New Ducks - What should i be careful about

    This is why i have tended to get babies. It's just safer. Although i would love to help an older duck from a rescue or from someone downsizing. i don't know. It might be best at this point to wait till Spring and get ducklings.
  4. Enchanted Sunrise Farms

    Adding New Ducks - What should i be careful about

    We are down to only four ducks now, after losing some to ovarian issues and cancer. One of those ducks has ovarian tumors so we will probably lose her within six months. My husband has actually said he would like more ducks. Yah! i had a very bad experience once adding adult chickens to our...
  5. Enchanted Sunrise Farms

    Introducing new ducks to the flock

    i have not found the "pecking order" thing with my ducks. They seem to be more accepting of new friends. Maybe put down some treats for them when you first put them together - some peas, lettuce.
  6. Enchanted Sunrise Farms

    Ramp for Duck Pool?

    i really like those stairs.
  7. Enchanted Sunrise Farms

    How do you keep bugs and flies out of a duck cage?

    My ducks are adults and try to eat flies. But we sometimes get ants or other little bugs in our coop. When that happens, i will sprinkle some food grade Diatomaceous Earth around, and top with straw. i also use Poultry Protector spray in there. It's all natural and does a good job. Ducks...
  8. Enchanted Sunrise Farms

    Ramp for Duck Pool?

    Thank you so much for the replies. Sorry, i should have included pictures. See, inside the pool i have three large pavers, then a half paver then a flatish rock. They are so heavy and i really kill my back lifting them out and back in. i would be cleaning this pool much more often if it...
  9. Enchanted Sunrise Farms

    Ramp for Duck Pool?

    i use a 60" kiddie pool for my duck pond. i have a drain in one end for easy emptying. i have pavers stacked so my ducks can walk up to the top and get in. Those are fine, they are stationary and don't need to be moved. Then i have pavers stacked right inside the pool so when they get out...
  10. Enchanted Sunrise Farms

    Just Re-homed my Geese

    True. Our first Sebastopols weren't crazy loud like these guys. It is so quiet here now. We still have chickens, a few ducks, and 3 Nigerian Dwarf goats. i think that's plenty for me to take care of. Plus, it will be nice to have grass again. i'm going to have to wait a while before...
  11. Enchanted Sunrise Farms

    How Loud/Often Do Geese Honk?

    It really depends on the goose. i had geese that would be so loud it actually hurt my ears.
  12. Enchanted Sunrise Farms

    Just Re-homed my Geese

    Yesterday i made the very hard decision to rehome our geese. i'm very much a believer in giving pets a forever home, so this was not easy. When we got our first trio of Sebastopol geese 3 years ago, the two white females were so sweet. i loved them so much. Unfortunately, they both suffered...
  13. Enchanted Sunrise Farms

    Mice getting into the coop!!

    i have had very good luck with mice with a rat zapper. It uses batteries, you put peanut butter in the back, turn it on, and it electrocutes the mice when they enter. i caught 7 right in a row one night in our shed. i originally got it to kill rats, but rats are too smart for it. Were it me...
  14. Enchanted Sunrise Farms

    Mites in Duck Coop - Yuk!

    After pulling out to dump and refill the water bin i keep in the duck coop, my hands came up covered in red colored mites. i was reading elsewhere and sounds like they are Northern mites. i have chickens also, but all except one are penned separately. Hope they don't have mites, too. i check...
  15. Enchanted Sunrise Farms

    Best Game Cam

    i'm sure there are a lot of threads about this, but wanted a fresh perspective. i am looking for a good game cam, easy to use, around $100. i have a Wildview Infrared Xtreme that i bought for $135 at a gun store a couple years ago. It was great, but pooped out. i also bought Wildgame...
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