Recent content by Fjb6673

  1. Fjb6673

    Official BYC Poll: How Often Do You Clean Your Coop?

    My coop is 12 x 12 and was a shed converted into a coop, so it has a full door and I can walk right in. Also has chicken door leading to their outdoor pen. I usually have around 12 chickens. I use wood chips/shavings and only do a full clean out twice a year, late fall and early spring. During...
  2. Fjb6673

    Soo many flies

    I use wood shavings with the deep litter method, and yes I have flies in the coop. I find the basic sticky fly strips do the trick. I have 3 or 4 hanging inside the coop at all times and change them out every couple weeks. When I take them down they must have a hundred or more flies on them.
  3. Fjb6673

    When do golden comets start laying?

    I would say you will start getting eggs sometime between age 18 weeks to 22 weeks.
  4. Fjb6673

    Interested in getting my first chicks - a few random questions

    Hi Fox, I'm pretty new to the chicken game (less than a year), but I would recommend red sex link or red star hens. They are the friendliest hens I have, and they are egg laying machines. Also, where I live, western Massachusetts, they are one of the easier breeds to find for sale. And they are...
  5. Fjb6673

    Barred rock hens not laying

    Nope, haven't started laying again. I'm from MA also, so I give them some supplemental light to make the days a little longer.
  6. Fjb6673

    Barred rock hens not laying

    Yes, I have lighting in the coop. They get about 12 to 13 hours of light a day.
  7. Fjb6673

    Barred rock hens not laying

    OK, quick backstory... got my first 4 hens( 2 -ee, 2-rsl) end of April, they were approx. 3 months old, and they all started laying at about 5 1/2 month. All seems normal with them. End of May I got 2 more hens, barred rocks, approx. 2 1/2 months old. At about 5 1/2 or 6 months old, one started...
  8. Fjb6673

    Heated Waterer Vs. Heated bowl. Which do you recommend?

    Do your chickens walk on or in the bowl? Thats my worry with the heated dog bowl. I used to have a water bowl in the run, but the hens would stand in it and poop in it. Had to get rid of it and got another hanging waterer.
  9. Fjb6673

    New layer stopped laying. Normal?

    Update- After 4 days with an egg, then 4 days with no egg, we had 4 straight days with an egg. I guess it was normal, rookie egg layer inconsistency. I expected extra "days off" with a new egg layer, just thought 4 days off in a row was weird. I guess not.
  10. Fjb6673

    New layer stopped laying. Normal?

    When my red sex link started laying last week, she layed an egg 4 days straight. Today is now the fourth day with no egg. Is this normal for new layers?
  11. Fjb6673

    Matted dirt under wings

    Our 2 red sex link hens have damp matted dirt under their wings. You really can't see it unless you pick them up and lift their wings. Just wondering if this is normal? We have had some rain recently, so maybe they took a dirt bath when it was wet/damp? Has anyone else seen this on their hens...
  12. Fjb6673

    RIR or Red Sex Link?

    I am new to the chicken game, and i'm starting to think the person I bought my hens from either lies, or didn't know what she had. She told me these are Rhode Island Reds, but I'm thinking they might be red sex links. What do you guys think? ?
  13. Fjb6673

    Please help ID my hens

    When I bought them I knew they didn't look exactly like GLW, but I thought it was just because the were young and when they were full grown they would have the GLW look. I'm not breeding them or anything, so I don't really care that the are not GLW, but I do want to know what I have. I think...
  14. Fjb6673

    Please help ID my hens

    Good catch there. Every pic online of GLW they have yellow feet. Mine are definately not yellow.
  15. Fjb6673

    Please help ID my hens

    When I bought these, I was told they are gold lace wyandotte. Looking at pictures online, I'm starting to think the look more like easter eggers. They haven't layed eggs yet, but if they are green or blue I guess that would answer my question. Would like to know what you guys think. Thanks...
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