Recent content by Foxinthehenhouse

  1. Foxinthehenhouse

    Free hens!!

    First of all, the Vet was in surgery when the box was left on their porch. I arrived at 8:00 get a shot for my dog, given by a vet tech. She told me about the hens and when I left I took them. Don’t think my Vet knew about the hens! They are both in good weight and seem healthy except...
  2. Foxinthehenhouse

    Free hens!!

    Took my dog to vet yesterday and someone had left a box with two hens on their front porch. They gave them to me and when I got home and put them in quarantine did I see that one of the hens can hardly walk . A awful case of bumblefoot! Very swollen with toes going off to the side. Looks like...
  3. Foxinthehenhouse

    Automatic coop doors: I'd love your input

    I’ve had an automatic door for years and never had a problem. The door is plastic and goes down very slow. There is no way the a chicken could get caught. Mine locks also, which is important, raccoons could possibly lift the door. I couldn’t have chickens if I didn’t have it. I never have...
  4. Foxinthehenhouse

    What breed?

    Thank you for solving the mystery! 👍
  5. Foxinthehenhouse

    What breed?

    Got her as a chick from Hoovers Hatchery three years ago. She lays blue eggs, would like to get more but can’t remember which breed. Green Queen?
  6. Foxinthehenhouse

    Wry Neck quail chick

    Thank you. I don’t use this site very often and I forget how to start a new thread. 🤔
  7. Foxinthehenhouse

    Wry Neck quail chick

    The first two chicks hatched perfectly but Last three quail that had trouble hatching. After three days of trying to get out of shells I carefully helped. Their toes are all drawn up and one has a curved neck. I think it’s from remaining in the shells so long. Anything I can do?
  8. Foxinthehenhouse


    I’ve nine hens that I’ve raised from chicks, they’re all a year and a half or older. One of the hens has started to crow at dawn. ???
  9. Foxinthehenhouse

    Weird black spots on hens comb

    He is twice the tall of the hens.
  10. Foxinthehenhouse

    Roos comb is bad

    Don’t know what is wrong with my rooster’s comb. I cleaned it and put Neosporin on it. The comb is hard and bloody in spots. Only rooster so no fighting. We did have some cold temps this winter but hens combs are fine.
  11. Foxinthehenhouse

    Should this be concerning?

    It was definitely blood but seemed to be in a clear membrane. Not sure which hen it’s from but they are from about seven months to two and a half years. I’ll recheck tomorrow and I think it’s good idea to worm. Thanks!
  12. Foxinthehenhouse

    Anyone have their coop inside of a large run? Pics?

    Im very happy with my setup. The run is behind.
  13. Foxinthehenhouse

    Frustrated with all the options

    I got both from Meyers and they were the pullets I ordered. They are lovely hens!
  14. Foxinthehenhouse

    Really poopy butt!

    I noticed tonight that one of my hens has poop all over her butt. She is eating well and active but her butt is a mess! I didn’t want to catch her tonight and soak and clean her cause its cold outside. Thought I bring her in early tomorrow morning and soak her and clean it up. If it is...
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