Recent content by FrostRanger

  1. FrostRanger

    Vaccine Gun

    Unless you have a large amount of birds you need to do, you probably don't need a gun. Idk about the Marek's vaccine in particular, but ik when I brought the fowl pox vaccine it came with the applicator included and it was easy enough to use. How many birds do you currently have and how many...
  2. FrostRanger

    What do with aggressive rooster?

    I would also suggest culling. You don't want him passing on his genes for human aggression
  3. FrostRanger

    9wk old EE’s

    1, 3 and 4 I would cautiously say pullet and 2 is a definite pullet and looks like my girl Ginger
  4. FrostRanger

    Ameracauna hen or rooster?

    Seems suspicious, but I'm withholding my judgement until they're a bit older. That one could go either way I think
  5. FrostRanger

    Help deciding breed layers

    Welcome to BYC! Even though it says it's for nonlaying hens, I would keep them on it since you have a rooster, you'll just need to provide oyster shells on the side. I feed mine kalmbach flock raiser, but the Purina is fine too. Keeping laying hens on flock raiser won't hurt anything as long as...
  6. FrostRanger

    Cat attack, please help

    That does sound more like a rat or a raccoon than a cat to me as well. With so little to go on though there is no telling. I would if possible bring them inside at night but the hardware cloth should solve that issue anyways. Regardless I wish you luck with the rest of your chicks!
  7. FrostRanger

    Why are my birds dying

    How are they acting off? Are their bums clear of poop? Are their droppings normal? Is everyone eating and drinking normally?
  8. FrostRanger

    Question of the Day - Tuesday, June 4th, 2024

    The one that surprised me the most is a bobtailed cat. I initially thought she was a bobcat but once I got a better look at her and her kittens I realized she was a feral bobtailed domesticated cat
  9. FrostRanger

    Question of the Day - Thursday, June 6th, 2024

    Right handed
  10. FrostRanger

    Question of the Day - Saturday, June 8th, 2024

    Yep, dogs, cats chickens and various insects and spiders
  11. FrostRanger

    Anyway to stop a crowing hen?

    Unfortunately there's no way to make a chicken be quiet. The only thing I can suggest is to bribe the neighbors with eggs if you're worried
  12. FrostRanger

    Newbie facing fowl pox + pictures

    I would also suggest vaccinating the rest of your flock, you can order the vaccine from valley vet and it's cheap and easy to use. Won't help your sick bird but it'll keep everyone else from getting sick
  13. FrostRanger

    When to cull a rooster showing signs of aggression?

    Another thing is human aggression can also be genetic so if you breed him, his sons are more likely to be human aggressive, I would cull him personally, there's a small chance behavior modification could work for him, but he has already shown he has bad genes in regards to temperment so this...
  14. FrostRanger

    Scary egg-eater has called my bluff

    It's extremely unlikely it's a dominance issue, chances are it's a nutrition issue. If they're knocking the container over, I'd try a small hanging feeder with the oyster shell. It's normal for them to only occasionally eat the oyster shells, they'll only take what they need when they need it...
  15. FrostRanger

    Scary egg-eater has called my bluff

    I would switch to a 20% feed and cut out the bsfl for a while. She might be eating eggs 'cause she's not getting enough protein. Generally it's better to have calcium on the side so birds who need them can have it while birds that don't won't be have too much
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