Recent content by Fwoof

  1. Fwoof

    Sick or old?!?

    Poor thing. :( I wish I had more advice for you, but these people might. They've helped me greatly in the past. @Wyorp Rock @speckledhen @Eggcessive
  2. Fwoof

    Hello, complete newbie from Florida

  3. Fwoof

    Sick or old?!?

    Sounds like a good idea. And you said she's a cinnamon queen? Tell me if I'm wrong, but aren't those a kind of sexlink? I've heard that sexlinks tend to get more heath problems than other birds.
  4. Fwoof

    Easter Egger Chicks (or not?)

    Got it. Thought I'd ask because they look like sussex yet not like sussex at the same time! Interesting. Not showing any signs of being male at all yet, but I will report back to you if she turns out not to be a she.
  5. Fwoof

    Sick or old?!?

    Oh no! Clearly something must be bothering the poor thing. Do you know the exact age? What does her poop look like?
  6. Fwoof

    Easter Egger Chicks (or not?)

    That's what I was leaning most towards. Is it usual that they have that much white and/or black on the chest? I personally doubt they're male. Their behavior is very henlike and I don't see any sickles, saddle, or hackle feathers. My Sicilian Buttercup (one of the four "females" that I...
  7. Fwoof

    Easter Egger Chicks (or not?)

    The closest thing they seem to resemble is Speckled Sussex, but that's a lot of white on the chest!
  8. Fwoof

    Easter Egger Chicks (or not?)

    *Another Update* Going on seven weeks now, still no idea what these guys are... Still willing to wait until an egg is laid, but any ideas?
  9. Fwoof

    White stuff on my bantam's waddles.

    My bantam Silver has this white stuff on her waddles (on both sides). I've noticed she's been itching her face more than usual, so is this some kind of fungal issue? She wasn't feeling all that well last week, closing her eyes and sitting in a hunched position, so I treated her with electrolytes...
  10. Fwoof

    There's something going on with one of my bantams.

    I am happy to announce that my little one is 100% better! Electrolytes will definitely be my go-to whenever one of my hens is feeling a bit off.
  11. Fwoof

    There's something going on with one of my bantams.

    I'll just keep doing what I'm doing for her (electrolytes, a bit of dewormer, and fresh dandelion and nasturtium) and see how she does. Even though I don't know exactly what's bothering her, I want to thank all of you for your information and support. So thankful for BYC and all of their...
  12. Fwoof

    There's something going on with one of my bantams.

    Didn't see any grain or anything. Her beak looked healthy and clear. She is doing a little bit better today, she squeak/squawked at me when she saw me getting food for the flock. I am glad that she hasn't lost her appetite and carries her tail high when she does move around. She doesn't look...
  13. Fwoof

    There's something going on with one of my bantams.

    @speckledhen, @Wyorp Rock, @LaFleche, can chickens get headaches? If so, what signs do they show when they have them? I noticed her shaking her head rapidly today, and she's lifted the top part of her beak up a few times, so I found that strange. Most likely something is wrong with her...
  14. Fwoof

    There's something going on with one of my bantams.

    I definitely will. I just checked her ears, I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. I did notice that the skin near her earlobe/behind her eye is purplish and slightly more wrinkled looking. Barely and only noticeable if you look closely, but still not normal.
  15. Fwoof

    There's something going on with one of my bantams.

    Okay, got it. She'll probably be fine sleeping in her coop tonight, then. It's a warm day, shouldn't be a cold night. Thank you! I mixed her electrolyte water (I have a homemade recipe) with some oatmeal, so that should be nice and gentle. Also noticed that she's preening and itching her face a...
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