Recent content by guest226

  1. G

    fatty liver symtoms or no?

    thank you! If she did have fatty liver, she would show behavioral symptoms, right?
  2. G

    fatty liver symtoms or no?

    thank you :) do hens that have this condition usually have diets like corn or suet and stuff like that? And are grubs a high fat food?
  3. G

    fatty liver symtoms or no?

    EE (3.5 years old) Lays consistantly. Eats, drinks, runs, dustbathes, jumps, is perfectly energetic. She has always had pretty long toenails but I thought that was just because of her genetics. (she has an extra toe) Her comb isn't very bright despite her laying. It is a little dry looking...
  4. G

    Chicken broke tip of beak

    Her beak keeps chipping more and more. Do I file down the jagged edge? Could it be a calcium deficiency?
  5. G

    Chicken broke tip of beak

    My chicken broke the tip of her beak, no blood and no cracks. She’s acting fine but not eating because it hurts. When giving blueberries I noticed it because whenever she touched the blueberry she would open her beak like she was hurt . How do I help her? It seems to be the outer layer of her...
  6. G

    Is her bumblefoot back or is it a scab??

    thanks for your help. poor clementine is suffering with cancer AND bumblefoot. I feel horrible!
  7. G

    Is her bumblefoot back or is it a scab??

    Thank you. It did seem to soften the scab I ran out of time and had to something else. So it didn’t come off yet because I didn’t apply the hot towel for long enough. I’ll try tomorrow again. Also, do you think it’s ok that I gave her a painkiller (meloxicam) previously prescribed from the...
  8. G

    Is her bumblefoot back or is it a scab??

    Thanks for the advice. I only have dawn extra strength. Will this be harmful?
  9. G

    Is her bumblefoot back or is it a scab??

    Here is what it looks like. It’s like a really really hard scab and only the edges come off. I took off the edges on the other side but the hard center would not budge. Definitely a core. It won’t budge though.
  10. G

    Is her bumblefoot back or is it a scab??

    The kernel isn’t coming out dispite me trying to grab it with tweezers. The scab peels off but the hard kernel is very stubborn. any advice? She does not let me turn her sideways and I can’t control her because i’m doing this alone. She does let me lift up her foot while she is standing, she’s...
  11. G

    Is her bumblefoot back or is it a scab??

    She is a heavy bird so I would assume that’s why. Her body weight pulls her down. She only has to jump up onto a roost, she walks down a ladder to get to bed. I have all of the stuff from last time so I will repeat the process.
  12. G

    Is her bumblefoot back or is it a scab??

    @Eggcessive @Wyorp Rock @azygous her feet a month ago
  13. G

    Is her bumblefoot back or is it a scab??

    Hi all. My cochin had bad bumblefoot on both feet a month or two ago. It almost completely went away, the skin had healed. But then now she has two large scabs again on both feet!!! It feels like i can peel them off but they are hard. Does she have bumblefoot again?? Should I take off the...
  14. G

    Is small poops normal?

    Thanks. She actually did not poop at all tonight and her crop did not empty. She seems energetic and not lethargic, and she ate this morning. I’m going to give her coconut oil and massage her crop.
  15. G

    Is small poops normal?

    Thanks. I put a probiotic with digestive aid in their water. I’m hoping it’s only because she stopped eating as much. She has not been pooping very often too. In the roost I do not see any poop on the camera. Do you think she could be constipated, or is that unlikely?
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