Recent content by Happy Henny

  1. Happy Henny

    Polish Tolbunt and "Candy Corn" (crele) Genetics Question

    I know this is an old post but there seems to be a lot of confussion with the words tolbunt, candy corn and crele polish and that they are the same thing but they are not. Tolbunt polish chickens are a totally different type of polish than Crele Polish. People though do refer to both of them...
  2. Happy Henny

    Creating Candy Corn? :)

    I know this is a post from a long time ago and his is just an FYI... I am trying to just clear up some miss information. I wish you all the best. There seems to be a lot of confussion with the words tolbunt, candy corn and crele polish and that they are the same thing but they are not...
  3. Happy Henny

    How to get the candy corn coloring on polish?

    There seems to be a lot of confussion with the words tolbunt, candy corn and crele polish and that they are the same thing but they are not. Tolbunt polish chickens are a totally different type of polish than Crele Polish. People though do refer to both of them as candy corn. It is my...
  4. Happy Henny

    ISO Crele Polish

    Did any of you ever find them? If so where? I have cc/crele polish but I am looking to introduce some new genetics to my flock.
  5. Happy Henny

    Is this blue silkie rooster show quality?

    Hi, Is this blue silkie rooster show quality? He is not mine but I am debating buying him. Only if he is show quality though.:) Thanks
  6. Happy Henny

    Thank you so much!

    Thank you so much!
  7. Happy Henny

    Thank you so much!

    Thank you so much!
  8. Happy Henny

    Thank you so much!

    Thank you so much!
  9. Happy Henny

    Sick Silkie Hen HELP!

    I have been injecting her with .1 ml of Tylan 200 once a day. Is that enough?
  10. Happy Henny

    Sick Silkie Hen HELP!

    Thank you for the reply:). Today I took her outside and put her food and water out there with her. She drank a lot of water (the water had nutrients drench in it. For some reason she doesn't eat or drink when she is inside her pet carrier. Her puss on her eye had dried not letting her eye...
  11. Happy Henny

    My silkie has an injury on her head...

    We were thinking that maybe a juvenile hawk had tried to get her but she was to big. We have no evidence of this. it was just a guess. The wound was quite bad. We were thinking maybe she got it from a male wanting to mate her by grabbing her head with its beak but I've never seen an injury...
  12. Happy Henny

    My silkie has an injury on her head...

    It was so sad she would happily eat and drink the mixtures I would feed her but never was mentally recovering. She never ate on her own. I even put her out with her flock to eat during the day hoping that she would see the others eat and she would do the same but there was no interest...
  13. Happy Henny

    Sick Silkie Hen HELP!

    Ok so I have noticed that my buff silkie hen has been acting weird lately. She has been sitting there with her neck tucked in. She was just standing around. So I would grab her and put her with her friends. She would act a little more active by grooming herself and then stretching her neck...
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