Recent content by JessRenee

  1. JessRenee

    Silkie mixes: hens or roos?

    I got two straight run Silkie/cochin chicks, they are now around 9 weeks old. I’m guessing they’re both hens but I could be way off haha and Id like other opinions!
  2. JessRenee

    Broody hen left her eggs

    I have a hen who went broody about 5 days ago. Yesterday morning I put some hatching eggs under her and this afternoon when I got home I noticed that she was off her hatching eggs and on top of other eggs (not fertilized, we don’t have a rooster). I have no idea how long she was off the eggs...
  3. JessRenee

    Anyone have silkie/Cochin mixes?

    We have 2 silkie/Cochins who are roughly 5-6 weeks old. Curious to see some that are full grown. Also anxious to see if they are roos/hens 🙂 both pictures are of the same chicken
  4. JessRenee

    Im trying to figure out both the breeds and genders of these two!

    I have 3 silver laced wyandottes and look nothing like your chicks, although I can’t tell what they actually are 😅
  5. JessRenee

    Cinnamon Queen or Golden Comet?

    This chicken came from a bin at the store that had both Cinnamon Queens and Golden Comets and I cannot remember which she is supposed to be. Can anyone tell?
  6. JessRenee

    Painters near my chickens/ paint on my chickens

    Hello all. My landlord hired some painters to paint the roofs of a few barns around our house and it’s pretty close to where we keep our chickens. We have an area in the run to separate our younger chickens from our older so they can get to know each other, and while my younger ones were in...
  7. JessRenee

    Buff Chantecler- hen or roo?

    We have 2 buff chanteclers about 12-13 weeks old. This one has bigger/redder comb and bigger wattles than the other. Curious if this looks like a roo or not?
  8. JessRenee

    Crooked Toes

    Thank you! I have poultry cell on hand so I will definitely be giving that
  9. JessRenee

    Crooked Toes

    And not from own flock, I got them from Rural King last Sunday
  10. JessRenee

    Crooked Toes

    Mannapro medicated chick starter
  11. JessRenee

    Crooked Toes

    I have a few chicks with crooked toes, this chick in particular having the worst. I’m not sure exactly how old but I’m guessing they’re almost 2 weeks old. Is it too late to try and fix it? What is the best method to try and fix?
  12. JessRenee

    Limping, not putting weight on foot

    I have the Sav a chick electrolytes and probiotics in one of their waters, but she’s the only chick with green. No really soiled pine shavings and I stir up daily and clean out a few times a week. But I will go out tomorrow and get some epsom salt and vitamins for her. Luckily she is still...
  13. JessRenee

    Limping, not putting weight on foot

    Sorry for the delay I guess my comment never loaded. This was after soaking her feet and trying to clean. There are some spots that are not coming off. And I noticed this morning her belly is green?? And balding a little. I see her putting weight down on the foot but still limping
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