Recent content by JGreenwell

  1. J

    Broody hen

    You do it in the same area?Just on the ground? Do you use gloves to move the chick and eggs? Thank you so much for replying.
  2. J

    Broody hen

    I have two broody hens right now. They are sitting on eggs and one hatched but it got out at died :(. The nest they chose is high up and I'm worried about the same thing happening. I don't want this to happen to the others. Can I move the two hens and eggs? To another coop at night or will they...
  3. J

    Jersey Giant middle toe slightly swollen

    Thank you. I just wanted to be sure if there was anything I needed to do.
  4. J

    Rooster injured spur fighting other rooster

    My rooster lost his spur we did the same gently cleaned and applied blue coat. The blue coat is a protectant and also will help it to heal. I applied again if needed or if he bumped it. It healed up pretty quick.
  5. J

    Jersey Giant middle toe slightly swollen

    As you can see in this pic my jersey giant's middle toe on the left looks a bit woolen is this normal? It doesn't seem to bother him and he walks around just fine.i checked his toe underneath and his foot there are no signs of bumble foot.He hasn't lost any weight. He is in huge run on our...
  6. J

    Coop on a hill

    Thank you so much.
  7. J

    Coop on a hill

    Was talking about the run. We have been trying to redirect water :/. This hill is killing me. It get so muddy and I have to lay more bedding down for my chickens. Eventually, I hope to close it.
  8. J

    Coop on a hill

    Thank you. I do have some wood beams. Ill give that a try.
  9. J

    I'm having a problem with my baby chick

    Thank you so much for responding.What is poultry cell?She never had a problem until the other chicken that was with the passed away. She had crackling in her lungs and then this chicken had the same so I assumed upper respiratory:(.
  10. J

    Coop on a hill

    Looking for some advice. We build our coop on a hill. I'm looking for a way to help me eventually close the top. Any and all suggestions welcome to stop the water from coming in up from the top. Anyone have the same problem and find a way to fix it? By top I mean the water coming down on the...
  11. J


    I'm so happy I joined. Thank you
  12. J


    I just posted in the diseases and emergencies. I have a little chicken I think is sick:(
  13. J

    I'm having a problem with my baby chick

    I am posting a link to the video I took of my baby chick. She has been doing this. One of the birds we got had a upper respiratory problem and we didn't notice til it was too late. This bird started having the crackling in her lungs and we gave her vet rx and it helped. Now she seems to be doing...
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