Recent content by junipercloud113420

  1. junipercloud113420

    Bleeding prolapsed vent - urgent PHOTO WARNING

    you can rub some honey on the bloody swollen part, it sooths it and could help it get unswollen. also you can mix some parsley and oregano in with her food (if she'll eat) and to prevent any other chickens from getting prolapses you can add some apple cider vinegar in their water
  2. junipercloud113420

    Newbie here.

    welcome to the flock! :ya
  3. junipercloud113420

    New chix..who dis?

    welcome to the flock! :welcome
  4. junipercloud113420


    welcome to the flock! :frow you have a very pretty hen
  5. junipercloud113420

    Goodmorning from happy flappers farm

    welcome to the flock! :ya
  6. junipercloud113420


    welcome to the flock :welcome
  7. junipercloud113420

    New member

    welcome to the flock!
  8. junipercloud113420

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    what kind of chicken is that? she is very pretty
  9. junipercloud113420

    Topic of the Week - What do you do with all those eggs?

    I put all the extra eggs in a 9 by 13-inch pan and tap them with a hammer until there all broken up and then cook them in the oven and then feed them to the chickens in the morning instead of feed
  10. junipercloud113420

    Ducks attacked by rats - how to clean the wound? (Warning, picture)

    I have a chicken with a wound like that but half the size. I cleaned the wound with homemade saline solution and then put a mixture of antibiotic cream and hen healer and she is fine now, and the skin started growing back. you can get an antibiotic cream that has pain reliever in it.
  11. junipercloud113420

    Coturnix Quail foot BROKEN OFF - ADVICE NEEDED

    you can give her garlic and thyme those are natural antibiotics
  12. junipercloud113420

    Crop stuffed with grit

    you could try giving her olive oil in a syringe that's what you do for impacted crop so it might help with that. or you can see if she'll drink it from a bowl
  13. junipercloud113420

    lavender orpingtons, cochins, rhode island whites, barred rocks, americanas, bantams, sapphire...

    lavender orpingtons, cochins, rhode island whites, barred rocks, americanas, bantams, sapphire gems, pearl leghorns, polish, barnevelders, and cornish hens
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