Recent content by Krismac90

  1. K

    Is this a normal way to chill? Lol

    Any thoughts on this one? It’s an Easter egger, and it’s always been the oldest and most dominant in the coop. It’s about 9/10 weeks old, and definitely at the top of the pecking order, up there with our rooster. We’re hoping it’s a hen, but I’ve heard that longer tail feathers can mean rooster...
  2. K

    Is this a normal way to chill? Lol

    You were all right. He started crowing yesterday 😂 we’re excited for our surprise rooster!
  3. K

    Is this a normal way to chill? Lol

    Hahaha that’s hilarious! Chickens are so much funnier than I ever knew. They’re so weird and I love it.
  4. K

    Is this a normal way to chill? Lol

    Hahaha ok good. Thank you all so much! He’s been pretty slow to feather, so I’m just happy to see him looking like a chicken at all!
  5. K

    Is this a normal way to chill? Lol

    This is my first time raising chickens, and our black austrolorp is kind of a goofball, but in a charming way. He’s been caught chilling in the run like this several times today, and I’m not sure if it’s normal or if he needs something. lol Bonus question: is this a roo? He’s 7 weeks-ish, and...
  6. K

    Help! Dying silkie babies!

    You guys are making me feel so much better! Thank you! Oh my gosh, you have no idea how badly I’ve felt these past couple of days. I’m going to grab a few layer friends for our survivor today, and then maybe next year I’ll try hatching some more silkies. I really do love them. They’re so sweet...
  7. K

    Help! Dying silkie babies!

    The hatchery said they only guarantee them 48 hours, so they will only refund me the one that died within that window. I honestly don’t know if I want replacements from them at this point. We have a small flock of two month old layers we got from the local feed store that are thriving outside...
  8. K

    Help! Dying silkie babies!

    I got a batch of silkie chicks from ideal poultry in the mail a week ago today. Starting on Saturday, they all began to die. I’m fairly certain everything was fine with the brooder setup and their situation. I really think they have some sort of disease. They all had very watery poops, and they...
  9. K

    Weird feathering

    Just regular medicated chick feed. They have the heating plate on one side of the brooder and food and water on the other. I’ve given them scrambled eggs a couple of times. The feathers aren’t coming in anywhere else though. It’s getting bigger like all the other chicks, but keeping all the...
  10. K

    Weird feathering

    This is my first time having chickens, and all of them seem to be doing great (we have 9), but one of them seems to be feathering out weird. It’s a black Australorp, and it’s probably about 3 weeks old (we got it from a supply store and they were vague on their hatch dates). The feathers just...
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