Recent content by LaFemmeKatia

  1. LaFemmeKatia

    Ribh's D'Coopage

    My Caturday contribution
  2. LaFemmeKatia

    Ribh's D'Coopage

    I hope all goes smoothly.
  3. LaFemmeKatia

    Kat’s Journey into Chicken Keeping

    The chicks are growing by leaps and bounds. They are about 7 or 8 weeks old (they were about a week old when I got them). And this month is my 4 year anniversary of having chickens! And my 4 year anniversary of being a member of BackYardChickens! We presently have 21 chickens, and 4 Muscovy...
  4. LaFemmeKatia

    Kat’s Journey into Chicken Keeping

    I apologize, I never saw your post! We got this small coop at Tractor Supply, they have a few different styles. We like this for when we get new baby chicks who can’t be with the big chickens yet. It’s perfect for about four small chickens. It would be too small for them once they are adults...
  5. LaFemmeKatia

    Kat’s Journey into Chicken Keeping

    The new chicks move into their little coop. THIS was happening in the brooder. Lol.
  6. LaFemmeKatia

    Kat’s Journey into Chicken Keeping

    New peeps! Two white leghorns and two barred rocks Gracie loves peeps. She’s my peep-nanny.
  7. LaFemmeKatia

    All My Chickens..... a coop opera!

    We have lost a few chickens to feral dogs over the last few years. People dump unwanted animals around the area and then they roam around looking for food. It’s very frustrating.
  8. LaFemmeKatia

    MJ's little flock

    Maybe water for them is like coffee and tea to us.
  9. LaFemmeKatia

    MJ's little flock

    I like my tea with milk, and my coffee black. ☕️
  10. LaFemmeKatia

    Fluffy Butt Friday Contest! Post your chickens fluffy butts! - Ends October 12th, 2023

    This is all I have for now that’s recent. I better get out there with my cameras.
  11. LaFemmeKatia

    Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock

    Nice! Sounds like something I would like to eat!
  12. LaFemmeKatia

    Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock

    I do this a few times a week. I do it for my dogs’ and cat’s water too.
  13. LaFemmeKatia

    Kat’s Journey into Chicken Keeping

    They are all Muscovy ducks.
  14. LaFemmeKatia

    Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock

    That is a great idea, because I know I am behind. Gotta catch up!
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