Recent content by MilesFluffybutt

  1. MilesFluffybutt

    Trespassing neighbor with dog chasing chickens

    What the heck did I just watch? I hope your chicken made it back home safe. Personally, I'd let her have it. I'd call every single authority available - cops for trespassing and property damage (since most animals are considered property), animal control officer and town officials so she gets...
  2. MilesFluffybutt

    Silkies gender game!

    I I had a Silkie hen that has fast growing waddles. I was so convinced she was a he, but she laid an egg. That's kind of how it is with Silkies - wait for them to crow or drop an egg. I was told by a long time Silkie keeper that head poofs are a good way to determine gender. Hens have a more...
  3. MilesFluffybutt

    Silkies gender game!

    I think 2 is the only female.
  4. MilesFluffybutt

    Bottom beak out of place

    He was four (maybe five) when he passed last year of cancer. Given his deformity, I did not expect him to live long. He was able to self-feed and drink. Per my vets advice, I let him self-feed and only provided supplemental feeding via syringe when he dropped below a certain weight. We...
  5. MilesFluffybutt

    Bottom beak out of place

    Yup, that's a crossbeak. The condition is very common and can be caused by poor hatch position, trauma, or genetics. EEs, Silkies, Polish and a couple others end up with it. It's a deformity of the skull and there's no way to fix it - despite what you read on the internet. It does get worse...
  6. MilesFluffybutt

    Is this normal? Yellowish crusty deposits on skin at feather base.

    I used Poly Aid Plus. It's widely available. I gave it to my sick chickens and they slurped it right up so it must be tasty.
  7. MilesFluffybutt

    Is this normal? Yellowish crusty deposits on skin at feather base.

    My CB house roo had this and generally occurred during a molt. I believe it had to do with nutrition or a missing vitamin as he was an avid dust bather. I ended upping his vitamins and it seemed to lessen the amount of yellow dander he had.
  8. MilesFluffybutt

    Any Gamers Here?

    I can't wait until the building co-op/survival games go out of fashion. I want to kill things, not build things. I'm also old and grew up with games like Doom.
  9. MilesFluffybutt

    Any Gamers Here?

    I am so glad you and your family kept him and gave him the life he deserved. Our pets choose us. Thank you for sharing your story. I won't say anymore because I know you're trying for distractions.
  10. MilesFluffybutt

    Any Gamers Here?

    Honestly, my nephew excitedly told me about it, but my eyes kind of glazed over.
  11. MilesFluffybutt

    Any Gamers Here?

    I am so sorry to hear about your pup. If you want to, tell us about your dog. My dog had cancer surgery on Wednesday and I thought I was going to lose her. Talking about her helped. Have you looked into Dwarf Fortress? It's new, but I believe it's command lines.
  12. MilesFluffybutt

    Any Gamers Here?

    I tried to work with mapping and mods, and I made a mess. I was worried I wasn't going to like the PS5 controller, but I really do. Worth it for me.
  13. MilesFluffybutt

    Any Gamers Here?

    Dragon Age, all three games, are AMAZING! Great story, fantastic characters. It's the one series I always come back to. I just started BG3. If you're playing on PC, you need to order a controller. It's very awkward otherwise.
  14. MilesFluffybutt

    Pet Peeves

    Ignorance and denial are my additional pet peeves of the day. The rescue I foster dogs for pulls from Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, and Louisiana. 8 out 10 dogs have tragic histories. Pregnant and dumped in parking lots/underpasses/fields, covered in manage, emaciated... So go ahead, convince...
  15. MilesFluffybutt

    Pet Peeves

    Humane societies that bring in cats from out-of-state while ignoring the feral/stray cat problem in the community they serve. In the last two months, I have taken in six abandoned kittens (four 4-weeks, two 10-weeks) and a prego feral (due soon) that no humane societies will assist with because...
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