Recent content by nuthatched

  1. nuthatched

    Help on Identifying Roosters

    These are your only girls, I can't tell if there's another bird behind the corner plymouth rock.
  2. nuthatched

    Reproductive Tract Impaction

    It's saphalitis. A reproductive infection. Extra protein doesn't keep the heart muscle from being consumed as the heart muscle doesn't ever get consumed. How old and what breed is your hen? What's her main diet? Reproductive issues are often genetic and then compounded by poor diet.
  3. nuthatched

    Tail feathers 3 day old

    It just means it's fast feathering.
  4. nuthatched

    4 week old Australorp pullet… with HUGE legs??

    Nothing indicates rooster.
  5. nuthatched


    Where did you get these birds? What is their diet?
  6. nuthatched

    What do with aggressive rooster?

    Soup. Do not rehome.
  7. nuthatched

    Just need a good site

    Do you mean hatcheries? Ideal, McMurray, Cackle, mthealthy, all good hatcheries.
  8. nuthatched

    Dog bite injury

    You can apply an antibiotic ointment on the wounds, if it's just on her back, I'd let it scab and then but her back in.
  9. nuthatched

    Found Bird

    Cockerel, maybe a wyandotte or ee of some kind.
  10. nuthatched

    Am I doing this right?!

    Can you add more ventilation and windows?
  11. nuthatched

    Roo or Hen?

  12. nuthatched

    Paty Butt or Yolk? Help

    I would just leave it alone for now.
  13. nuthatched

    Corrid help

    They'll be fine. I'm sure there's too much but that's not that much.
  14. nuthatched

    Oxytetracycline at local TSC?!

    I'm actually not sure of the original intent of your post, but I have a low grade migraine so I'm not 100% functional.😅 I'm not sure why some stores have some meds and some don't. Again, I'd just stock up and not draw undue attention to that store. I can still get most mycins here.
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