Recent content by Oncoming Storm

  1. Oncoming Storm

    Can you use dog shampoo on a goat?

    So, I just brought home a 1mo old rejected goat kid and she is very itchy, like almost always scratching somewhere. I had thought maybe giving her a bath but all I have are various dog shampoos. I have all the way from all natural to puppy flea and tick to normal adult flea and tick. I’d thought...
  2. Oncoming Storm

    Chicken with pale comb turning brown??

    Over the past month, maybe. I don’t have great memory so it’s totally possible. It’s been in the 30s and 40s (Fahrenheit) the past couple weeks but I don’t remember if it got below freezing at home. I’ve had other birds get frostbite in the past but it was much colder when they got it so I...
  3. Oncoming Storm

    Chicken with pale comb turning brown??

    It just stormed here so her poor beard is soggy but it looks normal when dry
  4. Oncoming Storm

    Chicken with pale comb turning brown??

    It hasn’t been cold enough in my area recently. I’m in the southeast US so it’s been mild but rainy here.
  5. Oncoming Storm

    Chicken with pale comb turning brown??

    I just came home from college and when I fed my flock, I noticed my salmon favorolle hen’s comb was pink but the back of the comb is like a light tan/brown. She’s acting normal, eating, drinking, alert and aware. The only thing is that she hasn’t started laying for the spring yet. Her buddies...
  6. Oncoming Storm

    Consistantly sticky butt?

    Here’s her poor little butt. It looks a little worse than when I saw it last week but her vent isn’t red or obviously swollen. It’s a little orangey pink but not super aggravated. Everyone else is nice and clean when I checked this morning so it’s just her. We plan to clean her up like we have...
  7. Oncoming Storm

    Consistantly sticky butt?

    I’m not sure when the last time we wormed but I’ve never had that be an issue in the past. We do not have a rooster anymore (this started after they left) but we did have some issues with feed and had to switch around several times before she got this new feed. I’ll try to get some pictures of...
  8. Oncoming Storm

    Consistantly sticky butt?

    We haven’t done true probiotics but we supplemented their water with apple cider vinegar over the summer along with everything else. I’ll suggest this to my mom whose currently caring for the flock while I’m not at home.
  9. Oncoming Storm

    Consistantly sticky butt?

    So a couple months ago, we had a round of vent gleet run through our coop. We promptly moved the birds to a new coop, cleaned and disinfected everything, and repeatedly did epsom salt dips, cleaning, disinfecting and anti fungal creams. Most everyone has gotten rid of it but one hen will. Not...
  10. Oncoming Storm

    Turtle with cracked shell

    Interesting! it’s currently resting in my bathtub to destress while we run some errands. I’ll definitely look more into that.
  11. Oncoming Storm

    Turtle with cracked shell

    I found my dogs chewing on this turtle this afternoon. There are pieces hanging off and bleeding still attached. It’s alert and moving but should I try to clean it up and release it or? Advice is greatly appreciated.
  12. Oncoming Storm

    What day are these Guineas on?

    No none of them hatched. I ended up having one pip internally but didn’t make it through hatching. I think it’s honestly just a hope and pray thing.
  13. Oncoming Storm

    Is my silkie ok?

    I think so. If they have a healthy appetite and everything they may just be a squirt naturally
  14. Oncoming Storm

    Is my silkie ok?

    With the barred coloring it could be a silkie crossed with one of the various barred breeds like barred rocks, cuckoo marans, Dominiques or something similar.
  15. Oncoming Storm

    Is my silkie ok?

    Where did these chicks come from out of curiosity? There are bantam varieties of silkies which are smaller than standard sized. However that feather type and color tells me that the small one is a mix of some kind
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