Recent content by peafowl_Lover

  1. peafowl_Lover

    Small peahen

    OK thanks, would a vet have it? Does it go in their food or water I'm asking this because I wouldn't be able to catch the 3 yearlings to worm them aswell.
  2. peafowl_Lover

    Small peahen

    Would ivormectin work?
  3. peafowl_Lover

    Garden shed

    Yes I might make an over hang but I think I'll have to nestboxes inside the coop because it might rot faster if I make holes in the shed, yes I considered it but I just want the coop to last as it will be quite expensive. The floor is wooden and I'll put vinyl on top of it for easy cleaning...
  4. peafowl_Lover

    Chicken sleeping while laying

    No she doesn't seem to be broody but maybe it's early stages?
  5. peafowl_Lover

    Garden shed

    Yes they are quite dusty so maybe not too cosy, the run isn't predator proof but my dog is always there, it's the night time I'm most worried about. Thanks
  6. peafowl_Lover

    Chicken sleeping while laying

    She is very good with the flock always hanging with them, she laid her egg there now,
  7. peafowl_Lover

    Chicken sleeping while laying

    Hi, my pullet Maisey sleeps in the nestbox, 5 minutes ago, she was very loud and chatty now she's in the nestbox laying with her head tucked in she did it yesterday aswell, is it normal?
  8. peafowl_Lover

    Garden shed

    Hi, My old chicken coop is starting to rot I refurbished a 20 year old wooden shed onto their coop, soon I'm getting a new shed as theirs is rotten and my neighbours have seen lots of pinemartens and I want to keep my girls safe, the shed is 8 x 6, I want it to look homely and cosy, any ideas...
  9. peafowl_Lover

    Small peahen

    Yes it has been very cold and wet, very thankful for the nice weather now, she probably did lay outside as recently she has started exploring a lot, I put her in with them every second day or so but she has to go back to the hen house to sleep as she shouts if she's not, the aim is to get her to...
  10. peafowl_Lover

    Small peahen

  11. peafowl_Lover

    Small peahen

    She's the one in the front, I'm trying to integrate her with the others.
  12. peafowl_Lover

    Small peahen

    Hi, My 2 year old peahen seems more skinny than my 3 yearlings, she still hasn't laid eggs so getting a bit worried, she is free-range while the other 3 are penned, does she look small to you? Thanks
  13. peafowl_Lover

    Identifying peas

    @KsKingBee would know a lot more than me :)
  14. peafowl_Lover

    Identifying peas

    First pic is purple second is a black shoulder 3rd could be a black shoulder peach or cameo, and an Indian blue, I take it that its 4 peas?
  15. peafowl_Lover

    Relocated adult peafowl in 10X10 aviary

    First off welcome to BYC, if you want to free range I'd let 1 out at a time for a short period then put it back, and try another one, they would stay near as they want to be with the others.
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