Recent content by red horse ranch

  1. red horse ranch

    Color genetics

    The last time I hatched guinea babies the male was Royal Purple and the hen was Lavender. Four keets hatched with one Royal Purple and three Coral Blue. Since a lot of different genetics are in colored guineas the babies can have a lot of variety. :confused:
  2. red horse ranch

    Sick Babies?

    If the poop dries and hardens it will plug them up and it can be only a matter of hours before they die. When their first feed works it's way thru their system this is common. Poopy butt doesn't usually happen after the first week. Make sure the keets are drinking plenty of water and check their...
  3. red horse ranch

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    At 7 weeks old young guineas are afraid of everything and they are likely to fly up into a tree and not come down. if they even leave the coop. I don't let my young ones free range until they are close to adult size, around 3 months old. They are confined to a pen where they can run around and...
  4. red horse ranch

    Wyoming Unite!!!!

    The aurora borealis must have been awesome to see. We wanted to sit up and watch for it but after waiting for an hour we got tired and went to bed. Those are good pictures of it. :old
  5. red horse ranch

    Guineas and neighbors?

    Guineas can be VERY loud and they will wonder a long ways. Mine cover the surrounding 30+ acres. They also get on the road even tho our house sits a long way from it. Fortunately they haven't been run over yet. My neighbors don't complain since the guineas also keep their property free from...
  6. red horse ranch

    Female or male?

    Male guineas usually make good dads for keets, even if they aren't the father. I think your male wants to help raise the keets. I have one male who was involved in the care of most of the keets hatched by the guinea hens. Even if the hen wasn't his mate. He stayed with them and helped integrate...
  7. red horse ranch

    Female or male?

    Keets can make 2 syllable sounds but they are not the 'buckwheat sound' that an older young guinea can make. Females are usually at least 5 to 6 weeks old before they make the female sound. I was confused like you are several years ago by a 3 week old keet making a 2 syllable sound. I was...
  8. red horse ranch

    How to free-range guinea keets

    I want my little guineas to be almost adult size before letting them free range. Around 3 months old. Your young guineas are too small right now and at this stage in their life they are afraid of everything. They need to be broken in to free ranging gradually. I would recommend going to the...
  9. red horse ranch

    Chickens and Guineas transition?

    My guineas and chickens live together in a large henhouse. But there are occasional conflicts. Guineas rule! They can be very bossy to the chickens. If your coop is large enough where the chickens can get away from the guineas they can co-exist okay. All my birds free range thru the day. The...
  10. red horse ranch

    Wyoming Unite!!!!

    Beautiful pictures. Looks like you got a bit of snow. We have about 5 " on the ground and a lot of snow in the air. Melting fast tho.
  11. red horse ranch

    pain relief for healing broken leg

    When my rooster had a painful frozen comb I read that I could put 0ne aspirin in a gallon of water to help with the pain. It seemed to help. :idunno
  12. red horse ranch

    All Flock Higher Protein Feed vs. Layer Feed

    I only use All Flock for my chickens and guineas. Roosters and male guineas should not have layer mix because the extra calcium can cause leg problems in males. I keep oyster shell handy for the females. :old
  13. red horse ranch

    Adding a rooster

    The Australorp roosters I have had over the years have all been good nature d and easy keepers. With 11 hens you shouldn't have a problem with over breeding. If he is really young (under 6 months) some of the hens may boss him at first. But once they accept him he should fit into the flock...
  14. red horse ranch

    Plastic Mesh in Incubator

    The humidity may have been a little high. Around 65% is usually the best, But it also can have something to do with the health and nutrition of the hen and rooster. I'm so sorry you lost the chicks. I know how devastating it can be. :(
  15. red horse ranch

    Wyoming Unite!!!!

    I think March is a little early For trying to start anything In a greenhouse unless there is some kind of heat in it at night. Last year's calendar showed that we had 10 degrees in the middle of April. We will usually start radishes and cabbages late in April and we will put tomatoes in there...
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