Recent content by Rese

  1. Double yoke

    Double yoke

    We have a Hen who lays mostly double yokes and they are BIG eggs. I saved them uP for a month to do a DevilDelight platter!
  2. Odd shape egg

    Odd shape egg

    This is front and back view of 'pillow' shaped egg one of my Barred Holland or Partridge Plymouth Rock hens layed recently. Shell feels heavy and thick. My 5 gals share a nest box and I've had no repeats but jus curious if anyone knows what this shape may be about?
  3. Rese

    Can I feed the pulp from the juicer?

    "Angel" if they still make them. All stainless steel parts and powerful enough motor to do beets etc.
  4. Rese

    Seattle area SeaChickens

    This is my 2nd Chicko'Dee adventure. Had a few Banties girls in Oregon town. Now rural Arlington and have 14 pullets. Barred Holland & Plymouth Rock. We do all Organic for everything. Plan to eat eggs and prefer to barter (pullet hens, feed, bedding, gear, art) rather then broil extra...
  5. Rese

    Can I feed the pulp from the juicer?

    I came on here to SEE if it was ok to feed my Chicks juice pulp and am v-e-r-y excited to find out "yes". Couldn't resist suggesting that you look at the utube video's of juice demo's. I have an Angel and it does everything and more then I expected. We juice only the best organic produce we...
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