Recent content by Ruthster55

  1. Ruthster55

    What Language(s) Can You Speak? (for fun)

    Spelling in English is so irregular that it's a major point of difficulty for pretty much everybody. There's a lot of memorization involved. There are no "spelling bees" in France, Italy, Mexico, or Russia. There's no need. Spelling follows regular rules in Romance and some other languages. No...
  2. Ruthster55

    What Language(s) Can You Speak? (for fun)

    Did your school just not offer any language classes ? That's sad. Грустно. Most of the more basic schools in the US will at least offer Spanish or French. There has been a movement in schools and colleges to get a computer language to be credited the same as a foreign language. (I don't...
  3. Ruthster55

    What Language(s) Can You Speak? (for fun)

    - English. Native speaker. Graduate level. -Spanish - use it daily. Absolutely necessary where I live, which is abroad. Purely utilitarian. -Russian - occasional. I sometimes use a little bit of Russian with annoying people to avoid giving away a free English lesson. (When they hear Russian...
  4. Ruthster55

    Chat room for non religious poultry keepers! :D

    Incredible Eyes !!
  5. Ruthster55

    Selecting Mutts To Create the Perfect Flock

    Well, I've had a rainy, drippy time of over a year while the chicken yard has been mostly fallow. The former flock fed quite a few people. The reasons for not having chickens lately are almost all personal and most have to do with the passing of the dear friend who got me into chickens in the...
  6. Ruthster55

    Poll: Are you free-ranging or not due to Avian Flu?

    Recently, there have been cases of bird flu within 300 miles of here, including a human case. This is in South America under rainy La Niña conditions. 9 January 2023, WHO,the onset of her symptoms. Due to...
  7. Ruthster55

    Looking for a HIGH production layer that breeds true that isn't a white leghorn.

    Old timey literature extolled the egg production qualities of certain strains of Ancona. Unfortunately, I don't think those lines have been maintained. Anconas are a Mediterranean breed and should not be broody. Someone who lives in a not-too-cold climate might be able to select hatchery...
  8. Ruthster55

    Order chicks in December a good idea?

    Wait and time your order for March. Don't try to do anything in January or February. There is too much chance of a weeks-long hard freeze, cold snap, blizzard, etc.. In early March, make sure you have plenty of lumber on hand for the wood stove and some fuel on hand for the generator, as well...
  9. Ruthster55

    I found 8mm footage of Dec 7, 1941

    If the footage is original and not a copy of a newsreel, you might want to contact the History Department at a university in your area.
  10. Ruthster55

    Neighbors Dog Massacred My flock

    If the destroyed chickens were adults, their _adult_ value is applicable, not what their value was as baby chicks. Baby chicks are worth less because they haven't been fed or raised. Common breed laying hens cost at least $25 to $30 each at flea markets or on Craigslist. Since these were rare...
  11. Ruthster55

    Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

    Hey Everyone and Especially Fellow Chicken Lovers ---- I'm just gonna butt in here because I know of an entire family in Texas who are down with COVID right now, including a special needs toddler (heart condition, Down's). They all live in the same kinda smallish duplex and when one person...
  12. Ruthster55

    Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

    That's some great advice !! Better to allow the other person to get home and wind down slowly after work.
  13. Ruthster55

    Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

    .. Economists probably have the least common sense of any profession ! The messages from epidemiologists have been pretty clear. I respect that field of endeavor, which uses science to save lives. However, I'm a lot more interested in insects and parasites than in viruses.. The messages from...
  14. Ruthster55

    Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

    Economists pretend to be epidemiologists These Economists are know-nothings who jump on stage and pretend to be Epidemiologists while being incredibly ignorant of that field. This is what needs to happen to the Economists who have such big egos that they think they're Epidemiologists. The...
  15. Ruthster55

    Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

    Haven't you heard of people who "work sick?" Even if the company gives sick leave, there are lots of people who feel like they need to prove that they work hard, so they don't take leave unless they can't get out of bed.
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