Recent content by sandy sea

  1. sandy sea

    Do I need to start over with new eggs in the new incubator?

    I moved them just now. I will try to candle them tomorrow. As you can tell this is the first time using an incubator. It is must easier to let the hens sit on them. The grand kids are coming in 3 weeks and I thought it was be nice for them to see the chicks hatch and name them. I do have...
  2. sandy sea

    Do I need to start over with new eggs in the new incubator?

    I used my daughter in law's incubator started on Monday night. There must be something wrong with it because the temp never got above 90% (mostly stayed at 85%)and the humidity was always too high. I bought a new incubator today ( Thursday). My question is. Should I start with...
  3. sandy sea

    Turkey Hen sits in water

    One of my hen turkeys run straight out to the pond, first thing in the morning. I thought that it was a little weird also. I guess they like the water on their feet.
  4. sandy sea

    Turkey hen is sitting on her nest with eggs, but

    Thanks, I will try to remove the chicken eggs. Another question, She has her nest in the coop in a large wooden crate on the floor. The opening is still pretty large. Should I close off more of the opening so that the Tom can not get to her? What size should I leave open for her?
  5. sandy sea

    Turkey hen is sitting on her nest with eggs, but

    Hen turkey is sitting on her eggs but there are a few chicken eggs in the pile. Should I try to remove the chicken eggs or leave them. I know that turkey eggs hatch about a week after chicken eggs. Will she hatch out the chicken eggs first and wait for the turkey eggs to hatch?
  6. sandy sea

    My two female turkeys had a visitor today. Will a wild turkey mate with my turkeys?

    Will I got two more hens and a toms. Hopefully that will work out. I might even get a few more if I can find any to buy.
  7. sandy sea

    Consolidated turkey housing thread

    Thank you for all the posts with pictures of turkey pens in one form. Was very helpful.
  8. sandy sea

    Turkey coop ideas please

    Right now my 4 turkeys go to roost in a very large coop. ( It is very far from the rest of my coops.) The turkeys are sharing it with 2 young pet pigs and 12 chickens. My husband is almost finished building a new coop for the pigs, it is 10 X16 divided in half with a wall, so each half...
  9. sandy sea

    One of my two female turkeys took off with a gang of wild turkeys. What now?

    Getting two more hens and a tom.
  10. sandy sea

    Is it OK to just keep a Tom and one Hen turkey?

    I am going to get two more hens and one tom. Thanks
  11. sandy sea

    Should I get all three turkeys?

    So true
  12. sandy sea

    Should I get all three turkeys?

    Will I waited too long and they sold. Another question, would it be best to get turkeys around the same age as mine, or can I get day old turkey and raise them?
  13. sandy sea

    Should I get all three turkeys?

    I just called back the lady and she said that she was sorry but her husband sold all three while she was at work. I guess I need to continue looking. Just to clarify I should get more than two turkeys?
  14. sandy sea

    Should I get all three turkeys?

    I had two hen turkey, but one took off. The Hen that stayed is around 6 months old. I found someone that is selling turkeys. She has one hen around 6 months old and also has 2 hens that are 1 and a half years old. Should I buy all three turkeys from her or should I just buy the one that is...
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