Recent content by Smbean

  1. S

    Duck Breed Guesses

    I just looked that up and it does fit a lot better! Things change a lot from when they're ducklings haha! I've been told a few different things but then the duck changes and doesn't look like the cayuga and the khaki Campbell but it does stand tall like that runner! I'm new to breeds and the...
  2. S

    Duck Breed Guesses

    Duck is now a little over 3 months old. Pretty small duck compared to my Pekin. His feet were black when a baby and now getting a tan ish color. mall section of dark green on the sides but overall a small and dark charcoal color duck. Still think it is a Cayuga? I just wanted to check back now...
  3. S

    Rainwater Filtration for Ducks

    Thank you! I wasn't sure if anything had to be done with rainwater so that is helpful!
  4. S

    Rainwater Filtration for Ducks

    Hello! I am currently creating a system for my ducks. Rain wanter will hit the slanted metal roof, go into a gutter, go through a filter and to their water dish then the rest in their pool. What can I use for a filter? Do I just need something to filter out leaves etc or do I need anything...
  5. S

    Rainwater Filtration for Duck

    Thank you!
  6. S

    Rainwater Filtration for Duck

    Hello! I am currently creating a system for my ducks. Rain wanter will hit the slanted metal roof, go into a gutter, go through a filter and to their water dish then the rest in their pool. What can I use for a filter? Do I just need something to filter out leaves etc or do I need anything...
  7. S

    Duck Breed Guesses

    How beautiful! I did a good search and maybe a Silver Appleyard? Hopefully someone else can respond who is more familiar. I just wanted to say he's adorable!
  8. S

    Duck Breed Guesses

    Any ideas of what this duckling is? He is only a month old but I noticed some blue color in his wings. My other duckling is a pekin so I am hoping to identify this little guy. Thank you if you have any guesses!
  9. S

    2 week old ducks legs check

    Is this the one you have used? I just want to make sure the cheesy one is correct 😊...
  10. S

    2 week old ducks legs check

    Thank you! I am happy to have a direction to go next since when I do a general search, I get pulled in all different directions so this makes me more confident. Thanks again!
  11. S

    2 week old ducks legs check

    Thank you for this information!!!!! I really appreciate it. Is there a specific brand you could recommend?
  12. S

    2 week old ducks legs check

    Thank you so much! Is there a specific brand you could recommend that I could get today?
  13. S

    2 week old ducks legs check

    Hello! I have two about two week old ducklings. I have read a lot about niacin deficiencies and the issues to the legs. I wanted to share a photo and see if anything looks concerning (legs, hock joints, feet, etc). They eat and drink a ton. I used for 2 weeks the Dumor one but switched to the...
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