Recent content by Snakebiteholloway

  1. Snakebiteholloway

    Why do you think chickens dirt bath

    Oh very interesting ! Thank you! After 7 years I'm still learning. Chickens, they seem so simple ... or maybe I'm the simple one, lol
  2. Snakebiteholloway

    Why do you think chickens dirt bath

    Ain't it the truth. The only comparison i can even make are teenage daughters!
  3. Snakebiteholloway

    Why do you think chickens dirt bath

    So I've heard it all from parasite prevention and treatment to cooling to heating to molting itch. None of that makes sense to me. I honestly think, after 7 years of watching chickens from hatch to old age dying, i believe it's to kill their scent. Hide from predators. Ideas?
  4. Snakebiteholloway

    What chicken breed is this??

    Whatever she is she is a beauty. Love those pencil edged feathers and flash of red!
  5. Snakebiteholloway

    What chicken breed is this??

    French copper maran parentage, my best guess. Not an expert! All my varieties of Marans have those black legs and black ripped beaks but all mine are single comb. Some "egger" breed mix with FCM in there?
  6. Snakebiteholloway

    I’ve got an imposter

    She may stop, She may stop by herself? I hope so!
  7. Snakebiteholloway

    I’ve got an imposter

    Beautiful birds! When I'm rooster free, which is "usually", one of my hens picks up rooster duty. Invariably. I have a golden Sebright bantam hen that lays eggs, struts around and crows constantly! She's pretty good at it, too! Lol. One of my americana girls has also displayed roo behavior...
  8. Snakebiteholloway

    HELP !!Duck with infected wound (graphic photos)

    Wasnt real clear was i? My mistake. I had small chicks from TSC at the time, and before she was ill enough to isolate, she 'mothered' them. With her immune system so low, i put her on the med. Feed to prevent potential secondary infection from Cocc. the chicks may have had, as a sort of...
  9. Snakebiteholloway

    Those grey "pearl island leghorns"

    Ooh! Ok I'm officially excited. They are slightly more flighty than my stolid favored mystic Maran tweens, but very sweet. And just lovely! Thank you!
  10. Snakebiteholloway

    Those grey "pearl island leghorns"

    I'm actually ok with any chicken. I'm that addicted. But i love having even some vague idea what traits to expect.
  11. Snakebiteholloway

    Those grey "pearl island leghorns"

    Ooohhh that makes tons of sense. I would bet cockscombs that TSC employees meant to write legbar instead of leghorn! It explains the golden EEi had with a Mohawk. Any ideas about these gorgeous Grey girls?
  12. Snakebiteholloway

    HELP !!Duck with infected wound (graphic photos)

    Oh gosh. I'm no pro, but i wouldn't. I gave my hen fish flex (cephalexen) for a horrible yeast infection and it cleared it right up. I mean she was about to die so it was desperate then too, but human meds are made in molecular forms for human bodies. If I was life or death desperate again...
  13. Snakebiteholloway

    Help ID bantams?

    Thank you! Now to go find out how to pronounce that. Lol
  14. Snakebiteholloway

    Those grey "pearl island leghorns"

    Puzzles me too. I had an Easter egger last year that had a Mohawk. Fox got her. In the heavy duty run. In broad daylight. I got him...i hate foxes. This is mohawk from last year. I keep wondering what causes this. Here's only got longer as she matured.
  15. Snakebiteholloway

    Help ID bantams?

    Only two or of 13 survived my 1$each sale purchase at TSC. Sad. They were varied breeds. I don't know this breed. Any help? Oh they have heavily feathered feet.
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