Recent content by StinkyAcres

  1. StinkyAcres

    Sweater’s Corner

    Cuteness overload!
  2. StinkyAcres

    Headbangers Anonymous

    Wow, it's been a while...since the album came out and since I've listened to it! Had a Nubian goat named James can guess why. 🤣
  3. StinkyAcres

    Mille fleur d'uccle coop size?

    I agree with @Folly's place - wire flooring is not easier to clean than a smooth, waterproof floor with plenty of bedding on top. I'm assuming your plan is to keep them and their coop inside the house? Will they have a run and access to the outdoors?
  4. StinkyAcres

    Bullied chicken is aggressive with me.

    How old are they?
  5. StinkyAcres

    Before I rebuild, what would yall do differently?

    😬 Yeah, better to just get a breed that doesn't have large comb and wattles to begin with!
  6. StinkyAcres

    What to feed 3 month Muscovy?

    I wouldn't feed just corn. What chicken feed can you get there? Is there a pelleted or crumble version? I'd use that and add niacin (peas, nutritional yeast). Or you can even stick with the starter crumble and niacin.
  7. StinkyAcres

    Do I need to predator-proof these gaps?

    By the way, placing larger items like rocks or lumber on top of the apron defeats the purpose of an apron. You want the predator to dig where the apron is not around the outside of it. You'll want something diggable on top like dirt, mulch, or gravel. I think some people have even left it on...
  8. StinkyAcres

    Domestic Pet Duck what to do about flying?

    They are squirmy and very strong birds!
  9. StinkyAcres

    Do I need to predator-proof these gaps?

    I don't think that was a waste of time. The apron will keep out foxes, domestic dogs, and other digging predators and pests. And it might even deter raccoons, opossums, and cats. And as @swamphiker said, no hawks are getting in there with that roof.
  10. StinkyAcres

    Muscovy duck questions

    Seems like drakes don't bathe as much as ducks. My females bathe multiple times a day and make the pool muddy every day.
  11. StinkyAcres

    Do I need to predator-proof these gaps?

    I'd call that a predator-resistant run. Not sure how much covering the larger gaps would help. Weasels can easily fit through the larger wire mesh and raccoons can at least stick their hands through.
  12. StinkyAcres

    Domestic Pet Duck what to do about flying?

    Here is that thread if anyone is interested:
  13. StinkyAcres

    Domestic Pet Duck what to do about flying?

    Yes, I've heard that some chickens can still fly if the primaries are clipped on both wings. Muscovy ducks are heavy birds that don't fly much in the first place and I've found they aren't as eager to fly over fences.
  14. StinkyAcres

    Domestic Pet Duck what to do about flying?

    @centrarchid conducted an experiment to see how high his chickens could fly with one wing and both wings clipped. It showed that clipping both wings was more effective.
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