Recent content by swamphiker

  1. swamphiker

    Chickens sleeping on top of nesting bix

    I've had this problem before and it's super annoying. One thing that has helped is to go out every evening for a couple of weeks and close off the nesting boxes. It's a pain but eventually they find somewhere else to sleep. If you do this, don't forget to open them up again in the morning so the...
  2. swamphiker

    Tail feathers 3 day old

    I've never had naked necks, but cockerels of most breeds tend to feather slower than the pullets. It's too early to know, but it's a good sign!
  3. swamphiker

    Hello, New member from North FL

    Welcome, neighbor! I'm in Gainesville
  4. swamphiker

    4 weeks old

    Welcome to BYC and to chicken keeping! It's quite typical for chicks to feather at different rates. Some breeds mature faster than others, males tend to get feathers later, and some individuals are just earlier/later than others. Since it's hot where you live, there is more flexibility to the...
  5. swamphiker

    Orpingtons- when can I assume hen or roo?

    I've had cockerels start crowing anywhere from 3-5 months. Here's hoping she's just an early bloomer of a pullet!
  6. swamphiker

    Orpingtons- when can I assume hen or roo?

    Feel free to post some photos so we can help. 14 weeks should be old enough to tell the difference mainly through the comb and wattles. The pointy saddle feathers grow in a bit later.
  7. swamphiker

    Hi! New here

    Welcome to BYC! We're glad to have you here.
  8. swamphiker

    When can you tell?

    For most breeds, it's pretty easy to tell by 6-8 weeks.
  9. swamphiker

    New to this here Coop

    Welcome to BYC! It sounds like you have a wonderful menagerie
  10. swamphiker

    First grade teacher turned first grade farmer!

    What a fun school project! Best of luck with it.
  11. swamphiker

    First grade teacher turned first grade farmer!

    Welcome to BYC! You sound like a wonderful teacher. Will the chickens live at school?
  12. swamphiker

    New from New York!

    Welcome to BYC! It sounds like you are well on your way to having a lovely flock.
  13. swamphiker

    11 week old Austalorps. Pullets or Cockerels?

    All of them look to be cockerels
  14. swamphiker

    Coop Cam!

    Great shot! What kind of camera do you use?
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