Recent content by tviss711

  1. tviss711

    Cluckingham Palace “Scrapbook”

    Tilly was being a camera hog today. She must have been feeling bonita this afternoon!
  2. tviss711

    Do we have a rooster?

    Well, I'll tell you right now that middle one is a boy! Had the EXACT same experience with my two BO "Pullets" this spring as well. By 5 weeks, my roo was very obviously not a pullet! We like him, though. :rolleyes: He's now 11 or 12 weeks, and is practically the same size as my adult RIR hen...
  3. tviss711

    Integrating Pullets and a cockerel to Existing Flock

    Yeah! He’s almost the size of some of my smaller adult hens already, with even bigger feet. His comb is big and red too! 🤩
  4. tviss711

    Pictures of my sweet flock

    Me and my 8 chickens aspire to this one day! Beautiful flock, beautiful girls and boys! They look happy and beautifully cared for. 🥰
  5. tviss711

    Cluckingham Palace “Scrapbook”

    Mosey does not love affection, but she loves company. Whenever I’m out she never strays more than 2 or 3 feet from me, quietly telling me about her day. She might be my favorite, even if she is aloof. Tilly and Penny joining us under the pear tree this afternoon!!
  6. tviss711

    Cluckingham Palace “Scrapbook”

    Update as of yesterday! They have discovered the roost and are up there all the time now. About 8 weeks. They are facing our sliding glass door, which is why it’s so dirty. They are such a fun little batch, a lot different than our first group. Left to right, we have Pepper, Hawkeye, Houlihan...
  7. tviss711

    Integrating Pullets and a cockerel to Existing Flock

    If I knew it all, I wouldn’t be here asking for advice! :) I just want my flock to be integrated smoothly with minimal spats. So far, I’ve always read that if there is a rooster present, he leads the flock. I knew there is always a dominant hen but my prior understanding was that she is still...
  8. tviss711

    Integrating Pullets and a cockerel to Existing Flock

    Thank you, this is helpful. Our dominate hen right now is a RIR who is kind of rude in my opinion, but compared to what I've read on here of others' dominant hens, she's really not that bad. Our girls are really quite peaceful and barely squabble among themselves, and if there is squabbling, its...
  9. tviss711

    Integrating Pullets and a cockerel to Existing Flock

    Hi there, So, back in March I purchased 4 chicks to add to our existing flock. One turned out to be a cockerel, which we will be keeping. They are about 8 weeks old now, and we have them in a separate coop and run out in the yard with our older girls (4 two year old hens). We let them out for...
  10. tviss711

    is this a roo?

    Striking comb and wattles! I’d say that’s a cockerel. A cute one, too! TSC gave us a cockerel instead of a pullet as well this spring. 😉
  11. tviss711

    My little bantam flock

    Cute birds!!!!
  12. tviss711

    Wes Anderson: The Might of The Mini Rooster

    What a gorgeous rooster!! I’m loving these stories of people who love their roos, I am raising my first cockerel on accident. He is a buff Orpington. At first I was super nervous about keeping a roo as he was supposed to be a pullet, but the more I read these wonderful stories, the more excited...
  13. tviss711

    Meet my first flock!

    I love those babies!!! So cute. I love when they are small, they grow so fast!!! Just a month ago my teenage chickens were fluffy little peeping dust bunnies. 🥹 your flock is adorable!
  14. tviss711

    Cluckingham Palace “Scrapbook”

    I am just making this as a way to document my own flock, stories, and pictures for reference later and to see how far we’ve come (and for memories)! We are raising our second batch of chicks and having a lot of fun. I love seeing everyone’s posts and their flocks and hearing about all the silly...
  15. tviss711

    Buff Orpington roo x any breed hen - what did you get?

    Wow, just wanted to pop in to say your roo is totally stunning. Gives me hope for my cockerel! He is 5 1/2 weeks, and almost the size of one of my mature RIR hens, it’s crazy how quickly he is growing and how big he is. I got two BO “pullets” from TSC this spring, we learned very quickly that...
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