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  1. Shabby Chic-Hens

    Question of the Day - Sunday, June 9th, 2024

    Nope. Don’t have time for that
  2. Shabby Chic-Hens

    Witchcraft thread

    Don’t forget that you did it to the Catholics, and vice-versa.
  3. Shabby Chic-Hens

    Question of the Day - Friday, June 7th, 2024

    I have a brief memory of my grandma carrying me out of a room, and I think there was shouting. Pretty sure that was my mom and dad having an argument.
  4. Shabby Chic-Hens

    Question of the Day - Saturday, June 8th, 2024

    Yes. A chicken. That’s the only one that broke the skin at least
  5. Shabby Chic-Hens

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    I have waited for this conversation. Today I explain to my mom that is not Just the trans people who have a fancy flag
  6. Shabby Chic-Hens

    2023/2024 Question of the Day Archive & Suggestions

    Good . Autocorrect isn’t always good
  7. Shabby Chic-Hens

    Jacin's Fiber Art

    Silver peacock?
  8. Shabby Chic-Hens

    2023/2024 Question of the Day Archive & Suggestions

    Triassic, Jurassic, or Cretaceous? That better be how it’s spelled. That’s how autocorrect did it.
  9. Shabby Chic-Hens

    2023/2024 Question of the Day Archive & Suggestions

    What color are your eyes?
  10. Shabby Chic-Hens

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Soo… She seems pretty chill about it.
  11. Shabby Chic-Hens

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Shoot. Never come out on text. I might have just accidentally come out to the wrong friend…
  12. Shabby Chic-Hens

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    He thought it was the straight flag. Blue for boys Pink for girls And white for straight marriage.
  13. Shabby Chic-Hens

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Well, my dad almost did it, and I had to kindly explain to him that it would look very foolish next to his USA flag and “Don’t tread on me” flag
  14. Shabby Chic-Hens

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    No offense meant, but I find it so funny when people mislabel the trans flag as the ‘straight’ flag. And then fly it, fully believing that they are supporting being straight, when actually they are being laughed at by people like me.
  15. Shabby Chic-Hens

    Rescue - what kind of chicken is it?

    I think it’s a chicken…
  16. Shabby Chic-Hens

    Question of the Day - Sunday, June 2nd, 2024

    I don’t usually. If it’s required (think like for a dance recital) then yeah, but other than that I have nowhere to go with regular makeup.
  17. Shabby Chic-Hens

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Those are so cool!
  18. Shabby Chic-Hens

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

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