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  1. scyllarus

    Quail egg scissors, experience?

    We use the cheap ones, I think I got the 6 for $8 pack or something like it. They're definitely only for raw eggs and it takes a little bit of practice not to get egg shards, but it works better than my hands or a knife.
  2. scyllarus

    Feather sexing!

    I'm going to disagree, they both look like Italian hens to me. The one with more speckles on her chest for sure, the one with less I'm 80% sure. My experience is that Italian hens have less clear face markings (crescents of black around their cheeks vs a full chinstrap) and chest speckles...
  3. scyllarus

    Come meet my Bevy

    1st one looks silver, 2nd either silver or fee, 3rd looks Pharoah, 4 looks possibly homozygous sparkly based on the wiggly lines on the feathers, 5 looks like tibetan.
  4. scyllarus

    Thank you

    What gorgeous hens! Welcome to BYC - looking forwards to having you here!
  5. scyllarus

    Blue (Blau) and underlying pattern determination?

    I think I've got Blue in my flock, but to be honest, I also have zero idea as to how to tell the difference between Blue and Silver. The hen that I *think* is Blue fawn is much more orange. Here's a Facebook group that focuses on color...
  6. scyllarus

    Forgive me for asking but whats the deal with button quail?

    Oh, egg-eating snakes. They're a huge PITA for captive breeding because the hatchlings need suuuuper small eggs - finch eggs are often recommended - and the males, who are smaller, can't always handle Coturnix eggs. A lot of people will feed quail eggs to things like tegus and monitors, too.
  7. scyllarus

    Someone talk me out of bantams

    Well, I suppose that's both good and bad news. Good news that we probably won't need more than aviary netting (we're moving to a fairly suburban area and the birds will have a predator-proofed coop), bad news that I still have to be anxious about them since I want cuddly little velociraptor...
  8. scyllarus

    Someone talk me out of bantams

    What a gorgeous girl! Is she a...quail-colored hen? I feel like I've seen this color on D'anvers, haha! I've been rather nervous about letting chickens this small free-range, to be honest. The Husband and I are probably going to put netting over the yard, so that will hopefully take care of the...
  9. scyllarus

    Forgive me for asking but whats the deal with button quail?

    Pets. You could raise them for pet food, as well - I keep a couple of snakes, so we often check out reptile conventions. It's becoming more and more common to need tiny eggs for egg-eating reptiles, as well as chicks and grown birds.
  10. scyllarus

    Help !!!

    It's okay! We were able to catch and release him far away. This time it was 100% our fault that the predator got in, the Husband had accidentally left the cage door open and this little guy figured it was an all you can eat buffet - luckily he only caught one bird before I saw him on the quail cams.
  11. scyllarus

    Possible quail chick abandoned—Please help!

    I'm not sold that that's a Japanese quail, so x2 on the wildlife rescue. It might just be me, but it looks like the wrong shape to be a domestic coturnix chick. Either way, gamebird feed is your best bet while you figure out what this baby is and what to do with them!
  12. scyllarus

    Help !!!

    Yes. I figured it would be reasonable to post as there's no gore or anything visible. The possum was probably about twice the size of the quail, and that particular bird was a younger bird who had juuuuust reached 8 weeks.
  13. scyllarus

    Someone talk me out of bantams

    Oh no, I'm gonna be bullied with MORE chicken pictures! The most recent update is that the Husband has fallen for the dumb squeaky crowing that seramas seem to have, so all that's going to happen is that we end up with assorted bantams instead of one kind. (I'm joking, please show me pictures...
  14. scyllarus

    Help !!!

    It could definitely be a rat. We had a juvenile possum get into our cage (we left the door open, we're amazing keepers I know) and it caught and killed one of the birds in the...probably 5 minutes before I happened to see it on camera. A young possum is smaller than a full-grown rat, and this...
  15. scyllarus

    Quail cage enrichment

    I'm glad to hear your hen's gotten better! If you're still looking to rehome, you might have good luck on Facebook since there's quite a few quail groups and everyone who wants quail will take hens. If you're still thinking about enrichment, mine have gone nuts since we bought a bale of straw...
  16. scyllarus

    Someone talk me out of bantams

    Well, it juuuust so happened that we saw a video from Daily Dose of Internet that featured a very tame serama rooster and the Husband was enchanted...mostly by the really pathetic crowing. He's not 100% with me on d'Anvers being the cutest little birds, but now he's also asking me about keeping...
  17. scyllarus

    This is what a balanced layer feed with no treats delivers either presented this as a more open discussion, or at least stuck to an argument. You demand scientific papers, but never produced proof that *your* assertion (that a battery hen's poor condition was solely based on her feed) was scientifically backed, *then* claimed later that most...
  18. scyllarus

    Quail aviary friends

    Ooo. I considered finches, but I'm just not as excited about birds I can't really interact with. I might go back through and see if there's maybe a larger or more sociable (with humans) species. We had considered setting up a water feature, but it's been sort of difficult to plan since I'd like...
  19. scyllarus

    Quail aviary friends

    The Husband and I will be moving in the next few months and we've been discussing what will happen to our 20-30ish quail. We're planning on keeping them - I'm rather attached to about a dozen birds out of the covey - but we're thinking either constructing another cage vs an aviary. A cage is...
  20. scyllarus

    Hen brooding for 2 weeks, what now?

    It sounds like you want her to raise chicks. I would block off her area - obviously make sure she's got access to food and water, preferably water that new chicks can't manage to drown in - and remove most of the eggs around her, leaving just her nest. The constant change in eggs means she's...
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