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  1. S

    Your 2024 Garden

    I sprinkled that around the chard. And the dill, peas, and beans. Maybe I'm not using enough. I am seriously considering collecting urine (mine) to use around the garden. Has anyone done that?
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    BYC Café

    I think Widget is "partially broody." She's been in the nest the last two nights at lock up. I take her out and put her on the roost. I see her out and about a bit in the morning, but come mid afternoon, when I do chickie snack, she's back in the nest. I tossed her out and closed off that nest...
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    Stormcrow's Hobby Farm

    I wondered what that was... :lau
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    Stormcrow's Hobby Farm

    Good luck! I just set a trap in my garden to catch whatever is mowing down some of my plants! I think I see damage from two different animals. A deer could be reaching over the fence and lopping off the sunflowers. It's not getting inside the fence, because I don't see hoof prints. I don't...
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    Name 3 Things You Did Or Will Do Today - 2024

    I need to get the anti-bird stuff in place... I let the birds have the rest of the (few) strawberries!
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    The Old Folks Home

    Yeah, I hope they laid into them. That "couldn't be bothered" bit is the part that is so unacceptable!
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    Your 2024 Garden

    I'd love to feed them a lead pill.
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    Your 2024 Garden

    I have something eating my: bush bean plants and chard. Those are short plants. Something has also eaten the the dill (8-10" tall), sunflowers (12-14"), and climbing peas (18-24"). Those things have the tops chomped off. Conceivably, a deer could reach over the fence on the peas and sunflowers...
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    Question of the Day - Sunday, June 9th, 2024

    Nope, don't have a favorite show to binge. I'm too busy with the garden this time of year to want to watch TV.
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    Sally's GF3 thread

    This made me shriek when I saw it in the green house. Just the surprise of it. I don't mind snakes. Too much. A friend identified this as a corn snake.
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    Stormcrow's Hobby Farm

    Will you pick up any more poults to enlarge the flock? How are the other hatching projects going?
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    Stormcrow's Hobby Farm

    Well, that stinks.
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    Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

    So today, I have a side quest. After that, I will strengthen my alliance with the Chicken Queen and her flock by visiting her castle with an offering of bugs.
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    BYC's Random Funny Posting Thread! Hosts Mike & Sally

    The look on the dog's face.... :lau
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    Pet Peeves

    We get mail offers for our vacant property often. I toss 'em or burn them in the wood stove. I got a text a few months ago: Them: Is this Sally? Me: Who wants to know? Them: So-and-so with Thus-and-Such Realty. If we could get you the offer of your dreams would you like to list your house...
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    The Wally-Gee Bee Journey 🐝

    Wow! How many frames will fit in there?
  17. S

    Name 3 Things You Did Or Will Do Today - 2024

    Today, I need to get all of this done. Go to the store and the bank Workout Bug hunting in the garden Help hubby move the stuff on the trailer to the pole barn Move some bags of sand Weeding/mulching Laundry ...and I'm sure there's more I need/want to add.
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    BYC Café

    Today we helped a friend clean out/rearrange his pole barn. I'd guess it's 30x40...? He has a '57 Chevy that was parked against the back wall, blocked in by stuff/junk/things he can't or won't get rid of. When we left, the Chevy was parked facing the door, and some of the stuff was gone. We...
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    BYC Café

    Bella, wait for meeeeeee!!!!
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    Vanilla Extract Question... ANYONE???

    @Ricflyfish, this thread is 14 years old, so you're not likely to get an answer. These members haven't been on BYC in many years.
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