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  1. how to keep fox away from your flock

    how to keep fox away from your flock

    every chicken keeper fears their flock will be dragged away by a group of fox, so i thought of some ways to keep them out. 1. walking out at random times. walk out to the coop to check on them at random times, dont go out to the coop at the same times each day. the fox will find a pattern and...
  2. Mutchi

    How to train a goat to do tricks!

    I don't really have a intro for this article so let's train some goats! TEACHING YOUR GOAT IT'S NAME Maybe this should be the first thing you teach a goat. Most goats learn their name very quickly, it is not a matter of the goat learning and remembering it's name, but you remembering to...
  3. Just How i train my goats!

    Just How i train my goats!

    Notice your goats run from you or even try to head but you? then you might want to train it! It might be best to get to know him first! Let's say you want a goat for 4H, and you get this adorable kid, you find out you were late to the 4H meet! Well, you now have a whole year to train your goat...
  4. Mutchi

    how to earn a chickens trust

    lets learn a awsome stradigy i learned here, on BYC! at first i was wondering "what if i took the top of the flock and had it trust me? lots of people told me it was a not-so-good-idea. and to help me, the gave me some awsome stradigys i woud have never thought of (cus im dumb like that lol). im...
  5. Mutchi

    how to make a DIY incubator

    We live on a small hobby farm and have been raising chickens for 11 years. This year I decided to try hatching our own chicks. Initially, I researched name-brand incubators but found them to be too expensive (upwards of $200). And after researching numerous DIY projects online, I found them to...
  6. how to build a bird trap

    how to build a bird trap

    Have those pest birds came back to eat your chicken's food? Well, how to prevent that, all you need is: - a stick ( about the witth of a few of your fingers and 5-6 ft long) - a pencel thin stick ( 6 in. long) -a rock (size of your fist) -cord or rope (3-4 ft. can be any cord or rope) - a...
  7. Mutchi

    Clean the coop! (Day by day walk through)

    Introduction Is your coop a mess or a nonspacey area? Well, you came to the right place! This article is filled with tips and tricks for your chickens home! After your chickens will love what you did! Let's get started! DAY 1. Let's change the pine chips, or straw in your coop if you...
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