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  • Users: Lyris
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  1. Lyris

    Chickens with respiratory problems - getting mixed answers about their future and treatment.

    The sneezing has upgraded into full blown respiratory issues unfortunately. One of the chickens sometimes breathes with her mouth open. Aside from that they are sneezing and scratching their noses a lot. No eye problems yet. Today I discovered white, milky poo. Whatever it is, my entire flock...
  2. Lyris

    Entire flock is sneezing, and a chick seems to have depth perception issues

    Whatever they have started in the brooder. I *think* it came from the brooder getting dirty while I was away over a weekend. The slightly older chick began sneezing, but had no other signs of illness. At the time the chicks had paper towels as bedding while I waited for pine shavings to get in...
  3. Lyris

    RIR is overly talkative. Can I get her to quiet down?

    She's a rescue from an older couple who didn't know how to handle chickens. The coop was much too small for the amount of chickens they had, and they weren't taken care of properly. She's always been the bossiest of the flock. I let them free range instead of being in a tiny coop and run all...
  4. Lyris

    Foggy eye, missing feathers, fluffed up chicken isolating herself.

    I adopted a flock yesterday from an old retired couple. I don't blame them at all for the state of their flock - they are in their 80s! There's eight hens, and I think they're about a year old? It's either a year old or four years old. Not helpful, I know. There's one specific hen who clearly...
  5. Lyris

    Baby Girl screams like this all the time. Noise of distress? Normal chicken talk?

    I rescued Baby Girl and two sisters from a "hatchery" a little while back. She's gone from being in an unclosed area that has no food/shade and four thousand other chickens, to my garage with two sisters. Her sisters like to go outback a little bit now and then. Baby Girl goes out with them, so...
  6. Lyris

    Rescued some chickens. One is especially bad and sounds funny chirping.

    There's a "hatchery" nearby that "rescued" some chickens. (Which gets posted here once in a blue moon.) The chickens ended up being rescued from the "rescue" and I ended up with some. They're all mangled from stress, but this girl worries me the most. Her comb is droopier than the others, and...
  7. Lyris

    Female Zebra Finch sick, any ideas?

    Bit of a history: About six months ago someone gave me a male finch, and I got him a female shortly afterwards. (His last mate - a society finch - had just died and he was lonely) They were happy together and build a huge nest (He's a little overzealous about a nest) They had their first batch...
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